Camila smiled slightly because she knew the basketball player was trying to be tough. "Laur don't be ridiculous. My mom is a doctor, remember?"

The dark haired shook her head and looked at Camila with troubled eyes. "I don't think your parents will want me in the house. Not after what I did to you..." Lauren said hanging her head.

Camila gently took the green eyed's hand. "Laur...I've forgiven you. That's all that matters. Besides you're hurt."

When the two rang the doorbell and realized no one was home, Camila used her key to enter the house. The brunette walked into the kitchen with Lauren on her heels and flipped on the light switch.

"There's a note on the fridge," Camila concluded. She walked over to the refrigerator and retrieved the note while Lauren stayed in the doorway leaning her shoulder on the wall.


Your father and I went out for a nice dinner for two. We don't expect you to be home before us, but if you are I just wanted to let you know. Call the cell if you need to reach us.


Mom and Dad

"My mom and dad went out to dinner," the brunette turned to Lauren holding up the note.

"Well, it's okay...I'll just go home and take care of this," Laur said referring to her face.

Camila walked over to the tall girl. "No you won't. Go to the restroom, let me go change and I'll be there in five minutes." She started nudging the now amused Lauren down the hall towards the restroom. "My mom taught me a few things about first aid."

"Yes, ma'am," Laur replied playfully.

Just as promised Camila met her in the bathroom with a first aid kit. She had changed into a large red plaid button up shirt, obviously her dad's, and petite green shorts which showed about three inches under the shirt. She also had let her hair down.

Laur had gotten pretty comfortable herself. Her black vest was no longer on, her long sleeved shirt was two buttons loose from the collar and her cuff links were removed.

The basketball player stood there eyeing the brunette while she was setting up the kit. "Don't you look cute," She said with a lopsided smile.

Camila gave a small chuckle and turned to Laur with a wet towel in her hand. The dark haired continued to stare down while the other girl cleaned the cut on her lip. Laur missed being this close to her and she was relishing every moment. She liked seeing this side of Camila taking charge.

Coming out of her thoughts she realized the brunette was speaking to her. "What?" Laur asked.

The brunette smiled slightly and hand Laur an icepack. "I said sit on the toilet over there and put this ice on your lip."

"Oh, sure...sorry..." Lauren said a little embarrassed and followed her orders.

"Okay..." Camila said dipping some antiseptic on a cotton ball. She walked over and stood in front of the seated girl. "This might sting a little."

Laur chuckled lightly and tilted her head up. "I think I can handle it."

The brunette began to dab the cut carefully.

"Man...some prom this turned out to be," Laur said sarcastically.

"Tell me about it," Camila said keeping an eye on her work.

Lauren suddenly sucked in a breath. "Okay that hurt," She breathed.

"I'm sorry...but the worst is over," Camila said with a hint of laughter walking back to the counter with the kit bag on it.

"As long as you didn't do that intentionally it's fine," Laur said with a smile.

Camila giggled and returned back to her patient with a white butterfly bandage in her hand. She carefully put it on the cut and then backed away looking into gentle green eyes.

"All done," she said with a smile.

Lauren stuck out her bottom lip trying to look even more pathetic.

"What?" Camila asked with amusement.

"Can't you make it feel any bwetter," Laur said in her best impersonation as a child.

Camila bit her lower lip and then bent down to kiss the bandaged cut. The basketball player closed her eyes as soon as the brunette's lips touched her skin. But before she knew it the warm and familiar touch was gone.

"Better?" She said in a playful tone.

Lauren removed the icepack from her lip and looked up into amused chocolate eyes.

"Um...I think my other cut needs that too," She replied.

This made Camila blush but she tried to cover it with a smile. "I don't think that's such a good idea." The brunette went back to the counter and started packing away the kit supplies.

Laur stood from the toilet and walked over to the brunette. "Why not?" She questioned in a flirty tone. "How is this cut different from that one," She said pointing above her eyebrow.

Camila turned and faced her who raised an amused brow. "Because it's on your lips," the brunette argued, enjoying their little banter.

Lauren just stood there and let a grin spread over her face.

The brunette shook her head and rolled her eyes exiting the bathroom. Laur was right behind her. They carried this conversation into the kitchen.

"What does it matter? You almost let me kiss you in the bathroom," the dark haired offered.

"I did not...," Camila smiled turning around putting her butt to the marble covered kitchen counter.

Laur took a few steps closer. "Yeah you did..."

Camila ducked her head. "You were the one saying all the gushy stuff," the brunette replied noticing the taller girl was coming closer.

"Well, if you weren't so beautiful maybe that wouldn't have happened," Lauren whispered drawing even more closer.

The brunette's heart was racing having Laur at arms length. She looked up and saw serious emerald eyes, loving eyes.

Camila's features flushed and she looked away. "Um...I'm gonna make a snack..." She said going over to another part of the kitchen. "Do you want anything?" Camila asked with her back turned to the green eyed.

Within seconds Camila felt gentle arms wrap around her waist from behind. Her self control melted away feeling the warm body on her back.

"This..." Lauren whispered in the brunette's ear.

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