1. planning

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     Taehyung had a plan. 

Maybe you guessed right.

Either way-

     Taehyung decided to stalk said "bunny boy" before pouncing. 

By pouncing, I mean before connecting to his airpods and ruining his innocence. 


Not that way, I promise.




     Oh excuse me, sorry-

Any gay, Taehyung was on his way to the university, tapping his fingers to the beat of a random song on the radio. 

He harmonized with the song flawlessly. Taehyung had gotten the knack of singing at a young age. A story for another time.

He arrived, swerving into a parking spot, quickly shutting the ignition off and hurriedly jogging away from his car. He cannot be late again. Luckily, he made it with barely 5 minutes to spare.

He sat in the middle, thinking that since his hyungs said he's nice and soft, he's probably one of those good students who sit in the front. Hopefully, he's good looking. 

     Well...He wasn't wrong about one thing.

"Bunny boy" did sit in the front, the third row, actually, the row right in front of Taehyung. Though, he was wrong about the other thing, unfortunately. The kid was quite scruffy and lanky, glasses and messy hair.


With a slight frown, Taehyung sneaked a picture of him.

                             [ imessages; hot bois🤤 ]

kthes; is this him?

joonish; yep

chimin; awh, he looks so cute

yoogi; tf

jinsome; jimin, i told you already, calm your hormones down-

sunnyD; he is really skinny, the boy needs some meat

joonish; he needs some mILK 🥛

jinsome; honey, i love you, but please shut up

joonish; hEY-

yoogi; lmao

kthes; i kinda feel bad for him

sunnyD; same bro

chimin; he's such a sweetheart istg-

joonish; jimin, how do you know all this?

chimin; ...i've talked to him! we're kinda mutual friends

jinsome; do you know his name?

chimin; uh, no...i just call him bunny boy and he answers to that

yoogi; why'd you talk to him

chimin; he's new here

kthes; hm, well class is starting you hoes, im off to stalk this nerd for today and tomorrow my plan commences

sunnyD; alright, have fun

joonish; take care, tae

chimin; ily bye bye

jinsome; adios diego

yoogi; peace out ✌🏼

kthes; yeah, bye


Yeah, maybe Taehyung felt bad for the boy. Who wouldn't? He was merely a mop. Just a stick with hair. Baggy clothes, all dirty and a bit ripped. He wondered how his hyungs interpreted the boy as a bunny. But, he didn't feel so bad that he wouldn't prank him.

Sorry, nerd.

Anyway, Taehyung stared at the boy for a bit. Ugly glasses, homely face, skinny body. This boy had it tough. At least he was smart, Taehyung thought. The class started and Taehyung decided to snooze through it, only to wake abruptly from the bell.

Making his way to the door, "bunny boy" passed by him, brushing his thin frame against Taehyung's humbly built one. Out of instinct, Taehyung breathed in as the boy walked away, a habit of his, to smell a person's cologne or perfume, you might say.

They boy surprisingly smelled nice. He smelled like fresh blushing blossoms and ripe, sweet cherries. Taehyung held his breath, taking it in.

A blush crept up to his face once he realized what he'd done.

Shaking it off, he walked to his next class.


"Bunny boy" was in it.

So was Jimin.

Guess Taehyung never paid attention to anyone but himself and Jimin.

     "Look, it's bunny boy-"

     "Jimin, hush."

Jimin scowled. Taehyung, rolling his eyes, looked away from Jimin, suddenly catching someone's soft gaze.

Bunny boy's.

The younger widened his eyes before looking away, embarrassed. Taehyung furrowed a brow, but then class started.


Apparently, Taehyung has 3 classes with "bunny boy."

Very fortunate, right?

The day had ended, and Taehyung was beat tired.

Of what? 


He trudged to his car, slid into the driver's seat, and started the engine. With a deep sigh, he drove home. Tomorrow, his plan will...commence, as he said before. What will his plan bring? Who knows. Maybe Yoongi does. 

He just hopes "bunny boy" won't get hurt because of him.


skuknkdsk this is so fun!!! i will be making longer chapters after this one , i promise, if that is okay with yall lol

i will also be changing the cover of this book, please stay tuned, a new chapter will be coming soon

i love you all, thank you for reading

please vote, comment, and criticism or opinions will be taken in consideration and possibly into the story! ❤️

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