Hikaru x Reader x Kaoru

61 1 14

Requested by Maiden3Nation: In this one shot I will use the person's name instead of M/N. 

Author's POV:

On a sunny day at Ouran High School, there was a girl who was looking out of a window with her hand under her chin. Her name was Zehra, a girl in the background not really seen so much, as she was always in the library studying. She was a fair girl with a fair amount of friends that had always went to the host club,  while she was in the library. She was always seen with a red bow on her head, yet no one noticed she was there sometimes due to her silence. She was an average heighted girl with black long hair that reached her lower back. She was also very introverted, but when she was with her friends she was the opposite of that. 

Now let's get in with the story.

Zehra POV:

The clouds look whiter today... Why is that? 

"...Group project and I will assign you each partners... You guys will each be in groups of 3."

Wait...We have partners?! This teacher better know I can't communicate with new people!

"Haruhi, Itsuki, and Aiki." 

"Kaoru, Haruhi got partnered up already with those two... So, who will we get partnered with?"

"I don't know Hikaru, but I hope it's someone who will contribute to the work." 

"...Hikaru, Kaoru, and Zehra... Yua, Kane, and Fuji..."

How come those three get paired up together?! I thought we were best friends, hoes, family, but I guess not...

"Hey! You there..." 

"Me?" I pointed at myself.

"Yes, you!" Hikaru pointed at me.

"You are our partner right?" Kaoru questioned.

"I think he means Zehra, right?"

"Yes, that's me."

"Ok, then how are we going to work on the project? Do you wanna do it at our house? Only if it's ok with you?"

"Yeah, that's fine with me." The bell rang indicating it was time for clubs.

"Well, we can give you our numbers in case of an emergency with the project." Kaoru suggested.

"Yeah... we can do that." 

Time Skip:

At their house:

"Can you sit down at the table in the dining room, it's the best place to make projects."


*Phone ringing*

I look down and see it's Zafra.

"Hey, Zafra can you tell Diane I won't be home until 7:00 or 7:30 because I have a project."

"Yeah, hold on.." 

"...Anyways, why did you call me?"

"No special reason." That tone in her voice says otherwise...

"I just wanted to say that we were having guests over..." She trailed off waiting for my response.

"That was today! I so totally forgot! But I can't just leave my partners doing the project alone. So, please let Diane know I won't be home until later."

"Ok.. Do you have boy partners?" She said with a mischievous tone.


"Ok, Ok geez... I'll hang up now and good luck on your project!"

*She hangs up*

"Geez.. What a nosey person!"

"Who was..."


Was that some type of weird type of twin telepathy or something?!

"That was my sister..."

"Ok, then let's get moving on and start this project!" Kaoru exclaimed.

Time Skip:

I glanced at the clock on the wall and saw it was 7:05 

"Well ... Guys it's time for me to get back home."

"Wait! Can we walk you home?!" Hikaru exclaimed.

"Nah, that's ok, you don't have to, and plus I live around the corner. So it's not necessary, but thanks for letting me come to your house today. I enjoyed it!" 

"Well then we enjoyed it as well!" They both exclaimed.

"See you guys tomorrow at school!" I waved as I left  out the front door.

"See ya!"


This book can be dedicated to both female and male in the one-shots if it's requested. Also, what did you think on this one-shot? It was my first time writing one, and I will appreciate the criticism I recieve, so please tell me.

- Sincerely UZ.

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