Chapter Six

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Silence. Complete silence.
Then Lucy screamed.
Then Maddie screamed.
Soon, everyone was screaming.
"CALM DOWN!" Robert ordered.
Everyone did as he said, surprisingly.
Lucy was freaking out. How could this have happened to her? The pretty, popular Lucy Maria Roth has gotten a Chinaman disease!
"Don't worry. I have it too. Let me explain it to you guys..." Rob said.
"The first person to get it was Jing Chow, that's why it's called Jing Chow disease. We don't know how he got it, but he's still alive, and he has the most horrible kind, so that's good.
"Then I got it. I don't even know how. I just started puking up blood-"
"LIKE ME!" Maddie interrupted.
"- so my mom took me to the doctor. He said I didn't have Ebola, but I did have J.C.D.
"Only a few hundred people in the world can get this disease. I've studied all of you guys today, and you all have it. Symptoms include tons on long sneezing fits, puking blood, headaches so bad you can barely move, inability to read street signs, and inability to sing."
"Like me." someone said. Lucy expected it to be Maddie, but someone else had entered the room. Someone named Elsa Crown.
"ELSA CROWN?" she shouted. Elsa was a multi Grammy winning pop superstar. Did she have it too?
"I had to cancel my concert tonight because of this thing." she said, pushing Lucy off her. "I'll have to leave in a few minutes to do an interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live. Go on, Robert."
How did she know his name? Lucy thought.
"There is three different kinds of J.C.H: Type One, which is the rarest but least deadly, Type Two, which you guys probably have right now, and Type Three, which I have. With Type Two and Three, you will experience fire shooting, x-ray vision, levitating and sometimes mind reading. OK? Meeting over, you will each be getting a jar of special medicine in about a week to control your powers."

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