Seb ran after her, banging at the door but Akriti just asked him to leave her alone. After a while, Seb thought it would be best to give her some time to think.

Akriti sits in the floor of her room, crying her eyes out. Not crying because of what Seb said but because how true it was. She hated to admit that he was right, there was no way she can get a job with no degree and a baby. How will she ever manage herself, her baby and her job? And she knew Seb didn't mean to hurt her, she knew he would take care of her and be there for her but of course he has limitations too, his career has just started, he can't afford to help jer pay for the child. Besides, he's helping enough by just letting her stay here.

But how could she kill her own baby? Her and his baby. Harry. She thought of telling him, maybe he would help but she stopped herself. Of course would help her but that would he just because he will feel guilty and pity for her, she didn't want him to force him into anything.

She sat there crying and thinking everything. She didn't know what to do. Everytime she thought of aborting, she remembered Harry's emerald eyes, his smile, his dimples and she would again go back to square one. There was no way she could go through this, it would kill her. She will never be the same ever again. She will have blood on her hands, her own baby's, harry's baby, their baby.

Just when she had collected herself and wiped off her tears, she heard a small knock on the door. It followed with Deb's soft voice, he told her that he had left some pizza by her door. He told her he was sorry and didn't want to hurt her, he told her he would take it all back if he could. This made her tear up again. She ran to the door, opening it, seeing him walk away when she stopped him and hugged him tightly. She burried her head on his chest, trying to control her sobs.

He wrapped his arms around her, embracing her in his warmth. He rubbed slowly on her back, reassuring her again and again that everything will be fine and that he will always be there for her no matter what.

After a while, she raised her head to look at him, and mumbled a sorry. His eyes widen with shock, she apologized again for screaming at him and acting like a total lunatic. He told her not to be sorry, and that he was sorry for not being more sensitive about the topic. He told her he should have been more understanding rather than just stating it like a fact. Akriti hugged him again and said a thank you.

She pulled away and grabbed his hand, pulling him behind her. She took the pizza from the ground and led them to her bed. She sat down and asked him to do the same. She told him and she knew he didn't eat either, so she suggested to eat together. So they ate together while watching friends.

They were done eating a couple of minutes ago, noe they were just laying down, watching Friends. Akriti knew this was not the end. She knew she had to make a decision soon. But right now, she didn't want to think about anything, she was there, laying on Seb, watching friends and she was happy. For just tonight she wanted to forget everything and just let it go. So she closed her eyes, letting out a sigh and allowing herself to drift of to sleep.

Seb felt Akriti's weight on him, he looked down to find her sleeping. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful. He smiled down at her but soon anger filled her. He still didn't know who the father was but its not the best because if he knew, he would kill him for hurting her this way. She deserved nothing but love and care. And if that bastard can't provide her that then he will. He looked down at her again and he knew that he couldn't keep his feelings away from her anymore. He wrapped his hands around her and brought her closer to him, closing his own eyes. He sighed a sigh of content, knowing she was all that mattered. He finally was going to tell her how he feels, it was now or never.

The next two days passed by with nothing bug happening. Akriti told seb the morning after that night that she will think about everything and finally make a decision but she needed time. Seb agreed, he told her he had something important to tell her too. So they both decided that teo days later, that is today, Akriti will finally decide what to do and Seb will tell her what he wanted to say over dinner. Seb insisted on calling it a date.

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