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I wake up with the smell of delicious pancakes. I get confused for few seconds when I wake up in an unfamiliar bedroom but then I remember last night, oh, last night. It was amazing, beyond perfect. It was more than any fangirl ever asked for.
I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a knock at the door.
"Mornin', hope you slept well." Harry said with a charming smile.
"You passed out last night while watching the movie, I didn't want to wake you up so I put you here. Dont worry, I slept in the other room. Plus, I wasn't touchy touchy you can asked Spinee, she saw it all" he said raising his hand up like he was infront of a gun tip.
"Firstly, good morning to you too Mr. Styles. Secondly, I trust you completely, I won't doubt you even if I woke up with your sleepy head beside me. Thirdly but most importantly, what is this wonderful aroma i am getting?" I say climbing fown the bed.
"Oh that? Those are pancakes for you, my lady!" He said while dramatically bowing while trying to keep a straight face.
"Such a drama queen! But well thanks for those! You didn't have to bur you already did so eh" I said shrugging.
"Well, do you have a towel and a toothbrush? I really need to fresh up, I feel super dirty" I asked as I put my hair up in a bun.
"I already put a towel and extra brush in there" he said pointing towards the bathroom.
"But don't you need some clothes?" He added
"I do but I don't have any spare"
"I do, come on. Follow me"
I followed him until we reached a big door, he opened it and boom!
It was a room it self, full of clothes. From casual to his suits, everything. I am sure one could get lost in it.
"Here, choose any boxers and t-shirts from here" he said showing the whole wardrobe with just t-shirts and shorts.
I picked a simple boxer and a T-shirt that said "women are smarter than men", I saw him wearing it and I always wanted it. Well now I have it! This has to be a dream.


I took a bath, brushed my teeth, cleaned myself up and dressed up into his clothes. They smelled exactly like him, it was like hugging me all the time. It was amazing.
I headed towards the dining hall. Harry was setting the table.
"Hi" I said shyly, idk why I suddenly felt shy, maybe because I am wearing his clothes, could be some weird fangirl thing.
"Hey, you look fresh. Come, sit down. I am done, I was just setting the table" he said with a polite smile.
"Seriously, thank you so much for all this. I am embarrassed, first I pass out then I am borrowing your things and you are cooking for me. I didn't even help. I am so sorry but thank you so much for all this."
"Don't be sorry, I am glad to have a guest. Besides, it was me who asked you to stay a little longer yesterday. And I am glad I did. It's great having you here."
He really is the best human being! I mean I knew he was a gentleman and the kindest which makes it further impossible to not fall in love.
I just gave him a sweet smile and dug into the beautiful pancakes harry himself made for me.
It was more than delicious, why is this man so perfect. When I pack him inside my bag and take him to India with me, then he will regret being this kind to me! (Just joking ok)
"So, how are they?"
"They are the best pancakes I have ever had and I have had like really good ones" I replied with a broad smile.
"You are flattering me but I don't mind it, not that all" he said with a smirk.
"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes but cant help but smiling.
"Bdw, Hel called. She asked us to join her for lunch." I informed as I stuffed my mouth with more pancakes.
"That's great, I already did enjoy cooking for the next two months." He chuckled.


Harry and me cleaned the dishes and the kitchen after we had our breakfast. Later, we just hung out a bit, gave Spinee a bath and brought her food. It was great just hanging out like friends with him. He really is the best guy, respectful yet goofy, makes everyone laugh. He is so down to earth, not once did he make me feel like he is a big authority and I am a no one. That just makes him so much more attractive and loveable.
It was time for us to go back to Hel's place. Harry drove us to her house, I was wearing the same outfit I took from harry this morning. I thought I would change once I get there since all my luggage is there.

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