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"She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes...." buzzed my alarm. I searched for my phone to snooze my alarm but failed to find it, I whined and covered my ears with a pillow. True, I love this song but not more than my morning sleep.
After few minutes of struggling I finally gave up and opened my eyes. I forced myself to sit straight. "Ughh!! Stupid up you stupid alarm, I am up!" I moaned. I was definitely not a morning person, mornings never pleased me. The mere thought of starting my boring day again made me sick. I rolled out of my bed and dismissed my alarm. I didn't think much and rushed towards my washroom to take a bath because I knew if I waited any longer, I would have crashed back to the bed. The hot water made my muscles relax, I felt awake. I didn't feel like leaving but I had to. I wiped myself with a towel and put on some clothes, I really didn't bother to dress up much. Next, I put on some foundation and drew a stroke of eye liner. Then, I made myself some oat meal and grabbed a banana. While I was peeling the banana I remembered something "never make an eye contact with a person who is eating a banana." I giggled as I remembered Harry's "wise" words. But soon my happy atmosphere changed into grief. It's been a week since I sent that message, and of course I didn't get any reply. I mean what was I even expecting?! They probably receive millions of texts from random fangirls everyday, I definitely understand how difficult it might be. Buy I still was a little disappointed.
"It's okay Akriti, one day you will meet him and let him know how much you love him" I said to myself as I stood up.
"One hell of a crazy girl I am, God bless Harry" I giggled as I thought. Suddenly, I got my phone vibrate.
My phone screen flashed Diksha's smiley face. I checked the time, shit I was going to be late.
"On my way" I said quickly and declined the call before she could answer. I rushed out of my apartment and I booked a cab. Soon I reached my University and saw Dikdha smiling widely towards me.
"Hey!" She said while hugging me.
"Hi" I said with a smile.
"So what's up?" She asked
"Nothing much, the same boring life..unlike you of course" I said sarcastically.
"Haha, very funny. Now tell me what's up Miss sarcastic" she mocked.
"There's seriously nothing, babe" I said.
"Shut up and tell me what happened" dhr demanded.
"What happened about what?" I asked
"About the message! You haven't told me about the reply"
"And that's because I haven't received one" I said trying play it cool and not shoe my disappointment.

*Diksha's POV*

"and that's because I haven't received one", Akriti said trying to sound cool and not shoe her disappointment. But of course it didn't work.
I sometimes really feel bad for her. She has been dreaming this dream for like forever. When she first told me about him, I thought it'll fade as we grow up, you know like out childhood crush but I was wrong. It wasn't a crush, she truly loved him. She would die hor him without even thinking twice, she was that crazy. I definitely understand why she loved him so much. Her life hasn't been very easy, her parents separated when she was only 9. It wasn't the end of the story, they still fought and forgot about their child. She has always known loneliness and darkness. That is when one of her friends told her about those five boys, but her eyes were glued to only one. True, she loved all five of them but her love for Harry was way too much. She almost forgot to laugh until she knew about them. Those five boys were the only source of happiness she had, they kept her going. A lot of times she thought of killing herself out of frustration. The only reason that stopped her from doing that sin was the urge to meet Harry and thank him. She always dreamed of meeting Harry but never asked for help. She worked day and night to earn every single penny. She didn't waste any of it on herself but saved it. The only time she used a little savings was when she got a tattoo. But even that tattoo was related to Harry! She got "Harry" with a small heart inked on her left colar bone. Everything she does it somehow related to him, she loved him way to much. I really hope she gets to meet let love soon.
"It's okay honey, they are big people" I tried sounding normal. She hated when people pitted her, so definitely didn't want to sound like that.
" You have waited so many years, you can wait a little longer. Give it some time, someone will definitely reply." I added.
"I know, I know. I knew this won't work but at this point I am trying whatever I can. The only thing that bothers me is the thought of not being able to meet him ever. You know my life will be worthless if that happens" she said with a sigh.
"Oh come on, don't be silly." I said her taking her into a hug, "Be positive, babe. You'll definitely get to meet him and when you do he'll go crazy to see that such a beautiful girl loves him so much and then he'll fall in love with you and then you people will get married and have lots of babies who'll call their Aunt"
"Oh my god D" she said, unable to stop laughing.
"Ew no, I won't want to me an aunt so soon. Control your hormones" I said as I let out a laugh.
"Shut up D" she said laughing even louder. We both laughed as we walked towards our class.

*Ankita's POV*

"Tringggg" rang our final bell. All the students jumped out of their seats and rushed out.
Today wasn't that bad as I expected. All credits to Dikdha, she really brings the best out of me. I don't know how would I have survived without Diksha. She has been a constant support, I am so so lucky to have her.
"Hey? Do you have to go to the cafe today?" I heard Dikdha ask.
"Umm, yeah. Actually I am getting late, I'll catch you later. Bye" I waved her a goodbye.
"Bye" she called out.

Nothing much happened at the cafe. My boss was the worst boss ever, he made me work do hard and paid so less but I have no other option. I would have never worked there if it wasn't for Harry.
Finally it was time to go home. I let out s sigh of relief as I stepped out of the cafe. I could finally get some sleep.
I went back home, exhausted. I didn't even feel like eating anything so I changed and jumped into my bed. I was sleepy enough but I thought of checking on my social media since I haven't checked them in a while. The only social media I used these days was instagram, do I logged in.
"Woah" I said as I saw the number of dms I had. I knew I wasn't going to troll them all so I scrolled through the message to see if there's anything important.
I was scrolling blindly until I saw that one text, my hreat stopped beating; I froze.
I couldn't believe my eyes, there was a reply from one of Harry's new photographer. I pinched myself in disbelief, nope it was real! I actually received a text from Helene.
I clicked on the text to reveal her message.


Hey guys! I hope you are liking it. I am so glad that people are actually reading my story. Big love to all of you <3

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