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Alright, so it's not a shock that I have been a real asshole and I am sorry for it. I really didn't mean to just start a story and then leave it hanging then start updating again just to stop again. I really had my reasons.

So firstly, I was 14 when I wrote this book. My dad took away my phone (because Indian parents lol) for months, so I needed something to do. So before he took my phone away, I read a lot of Harry fanfics on my phone, usually the clichéd type. So I had my own idea. So i wrote it, all of the damn chapters but with pen and paper. Yes, can you believe I was that desperate? Lol.

Anyway, so once I got my phone (I was 15+ by then), I thought okay I need to make a cover, decide my characters and start thus book. So I did.

But copying everything from my notebook (where I initially wrote it) in my phone then uploading was too much work. Like seriously those chapters were in long. And I am kinda very lazy :3 So that was one of the reasons why I stopped uploading because I am a lazy ass.

But there was another and more important reason. See, I was a young teenager who read so many clichéd books, so she wanted her own. Back then the characters meant something to me but as I started exploring wattpad more than just harry fanfics and in fact even the fanfics that were something different, I started losing interest in what I was writing.

By the end of last year, I did start writing again. I did it because I saw fee people adding my book to your reading lost, commenting and voting. That kinda made me feel guilty for just living you guys hanging. I know not a lot of people have read this book, nothing compared to the others, but it did still make me feel bad. So I tried updating again.

But as i said, I had grown so apart from the characters and just the story line itself. Like these are not the type of stories I read or connect with. I still read fanfics but they have so much more than just two sides you know?

So all in all, I knew that no matter how much I tried, I couldn't complete the book and write all the chapters. It did take up a lot of time too and I am kind of in a very important year rn. My exams are still going and this exam is pretty important.

But as I mentioned before I did write down the whole sorry, which means I know exactly what is going to happen in this story. I had planned it out all.

So to the main reason why I am writing all this is because I wanted to know if any of you wanted to know the story of Akriti and Harry. If you do, then I will write a detailed (as detailed as possible) summary of what happens. This books was supposed to have 22-23 chapters so like 50% of the story is left.

So please let me know if you do want to know what happened. Even if it's only one person, I would still write it.

I got this idea recently, when I was reading a harry fanfic and the author decided that she didn't want to just leave the story like that so she gave a detailed summary of what happens. I thought that was pretty cool of her to do. So I am doing the same. So just let me know.

So in conclusion, I am not going to complete the story but uf you want to know what you have happened if I wrote it, then let me know and I will write a detailed story. And when I saw detailed, it is detailed. It's not just two paragraphs long.

Lastly I would like to again apologize, I am really sorry. I didn't mean to be a bitch but well I guess I am. I hope you understand, thanks for all of you who read the book and wanted me to update. It means a lot, really.

Ps: I updated a chapter yesterday because I saw it was already saved as a draft on my phone. So I thought i might as well just post that and let you guys know about my decision in the end. Sorry again!

All the love,

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