"You okay?" Lea asked me, looking over at me. I didn't want my friends to worry about me. Theres nothing to be worrying about.

"fine, just full or something" I said taking a sip of sweet tea.

I got home and dropped my bag at the door. I went to the kitchen to see my mom cooking. Her cooking was always the best.

"Hey ma" I said sitting down on the counter watching my mom as she chopped some veggies.

"Hey Levi, whats wrong?" she asked me pushing back my hair touching my forehead.

"I don't know anymore." I answered her. A mother really does know their child.

"You want to go to the Doctors?" she asked, I nodded. My mom went to grab her bag before we left. I was sitting in the waiting room I had no idea whats wrong.

"Levi Winchester?" the nurse asked, I got up and walked in. She weighed me and took my temp. Then she told me to stay in here and the doctor will be in soon. I sat there looking at the posters about how smoking is bad for you. Then the door opened and a mid 30 year old man walked in taking a seat in front of me.

"What seems to be the problem?" he asked me as he looked up from his clipboard.

"I don't know." I answered him, he looked over his paper on his clip board.

"Your mom said you lost lots of weight, you seem pale and you just tried a lot?" he asked me. I just nodded not sure of what to say.

"Do you take any drugs?" he asked going back to the clipboard.

"No" I answered as I looked down at my hands, twiddling with my ring.

"Have you had any sexually intercourse?" he asked and I bite down on my lip.

"Yeah, but I'm not pregnant because I had my period" I answered him and he wrote some stuff down. He seemed as if he was thinking as he skimmed the papers, he slowly looked back at me.

"Have you had any emotional stress?" he asked as he looked at me.

"I guess" I mumbled not really understanding where he was going with this.

"Have you thought about self harm?" he asked again. Which was slightly aggravating me.

"No" I mumbled. These questions aren't going anywhere. This isn't going to prove anything. He just needs to tell me I have the flu or something.

"I think you are way too stressed and your body isn't reacting well to it. I think it would be best for you to spend a week or so at the other wing so we can monitor everything, get you back emotionally and physically stable." He told me. I gasped at his response. I was being hospitalized for ... stress?

"Okay" I answered. He walked out the room and went to talk with my mom. Moments later she walked back in with watery eyes. She hugged me tight, wrapping her arms around me tightly.

"Oh my sweet Levi, I'll bring all your things over tomorrow. I guess all the sports, school and then college applications have been too much." she gave me a kiss on the cheek and left. The nurses made me changed into the awful pink gown . Then they started running all these test. After 2 or 3 hours I was laying in sweat pants and a t-shirt turning the channels on the TV in my room waiting for the sleeping pills to kick in.

When I woke up I had dozens of message on my phone. I rolled over in the bed and grabbed my phone answering Juliet and Lea. I looked at the time, a little past noon. My mom should be here around 5.

I got out from my bed and walked out looking around. I made my way around the busy place. Everyone was doing something, rushing around. I walked through the halls, I walked into a room which looked like a room kids play in. I looked around and only saw a small little boy alone playing with some cars. He looked about 7 maybe 6. He had brown shaggy hair and he was small and pale. He had the warmest brown eyes I have ever seen. He looked up at me and smiled. He looked so familiar, but I don't know from where. I sat down next to him and looked at him more. He turned and looked at me and smiled more.

"Nice to see you again" he said smiling. Then it snapped he's the little boy from Kys house...his little brother.

"Same, I'm Levi" I told him smiling. I sat down next to him on the floor.

"Kyle" he said as he flipped through some comic book.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him folding my legs under me.

"I'm sick" he said looking back at his comic book. It looked like he's been through that book a few time.

"Well I'm sick too" I told him .

"Bad sick?" he asked looking up at me with his brown eyes.

"No stress sick." I told him running my hand through my messy hair.

"Oh" He said as he looked like he was thinking. We played in there for hours till I saw it was almost 5. He was the sweetest little kid ever. He was so smart for his age and just nice to be around.

"I have to go my mom is bringing me my things." I told him as I got up from the cold uncomfortable floor.

"Come back tomorrow? We can read the next comic book, or the avengers series" he asked me. I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah of course" I told him placing a kiss on the top of his head before I left.

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