Chapter 3: Crash

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After a long wait, the ship was finally ready for boarding. It wasn't at all fancy, but it was quite spacious, plus had a small lounge, it was nothing compared to some first class lounge but I guess that's because I bought a cheap ticket. But it doesn't matter because it gets the job done.

I boarded the large floating vehicle, and leaned over one of the railings, admiring the sunset. Now this view was better than some fancy cruise ship. After watching that sunset, I decided to go to the lounge and do some work on my laptop.

A few hours pass, and now it's the middle of the night. I've been working on my laptop for several hours. For some reason, I have this feeling in my stomach, I feel like this ship is gonna end up like the Titanic or something, but I decided to try and not think about the bad things, after all, this is almost like starting a new life. How cool is that?

Suddenly I heard a loud bang. Like an explosion. Everybody's expression immediately went from happy to alarmed. I heard the faint murmurs of the captain saying the engine has blown and made a hole in the ship. The realisation came to me, we were sinking.

I silently called myself an idiot for buying the cheap ticket. The ship's weight shifted from the centre to the right, meaning the ship was now leaning at an angle. Not good. Desperately, I placed my laptop back into my suitcase and attempted to stand up. Plates were crashing, furniture was toppling over, people were tumbling to the ground. One of the crew members came in and instructed us to remain calm while another crew member came and handed out life vests.

"Oh my god, oh my god this can't be happening, all I wanted to do was get away from the world and now this happens." I thought worriedly to myself, debating whether I should send my family one last message in case I drown or something. But it was too late.

The ship rocked even more to the right causing me to fall over and out onto the deck. Luckily, my suitcase was tight in my grip, no matter what, I'm not letting go of all my things. Water started to flow onto the deck, which made it 10 times harder to stand up since now you had to stand at an angle on a slippery surface.

The creaking of metal got more intense as the ship sank lower and lower into the ice cold water. The ship's crew were frantically lowering life boats into the deep ocean. "There's no more life boats!" I heard someone shout. "Oh my god, this is just the Titanic all over again, isn't it?" I thought in my head.

"I'm gonna end up in the water sooner or later." I thought as I took a leap of faith into the water. Unfortunately, the water was much colder and deeper than I first thought. What's worse, is that I had to hold onto my luggage which was a challenge because it was quite heavy. Everything was just extremely overwhelming, I felt my eyes go blurry and the rest of my body go numb.

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