Everything is fine until.. well.. until it's not. it all happens in slow motion Kachan's on the trash pile, then the pile is falling, and Kachan is falling with it. Kachan is falling? KACHANS FALLING?!?! That's pretty high up for even a adult to fall from, Kachan could get hurt. Kachan could get hurt?. KACHAN COULD GET HURT!?!?!??!?!  nonononononoThisIsNotHappeningKachanCan'tGetHurt He'sTooCoolTooNeedSaving...NEED SAVING. 

That's my last thought until my legs start moving on there own, quick, quick, quicker, not fast enough! I dive for Kachan...then it happens..

I open my eyes, I'm on my back and everything looks smaller? no. I'm bigger? and fluffy!?OH THIS MUST BE MY QUIRK! before I get the chance to question anything I feel something small move on my chest fluff and it groans? I look to see what it is and I lock eyes with a tiny Kachan.

"HOLY SHIT!" he screams 

'Language!' I attempt to say, key word attempt

All that's let out is a small chitter buggy sound. apparently I can't speak. Great. Kachan is squirming around on my chest fluff when he eventually slides down my floof. He starts looking around, whats he looking for?


I let out a confused chitter


I see tears starting to form in the corners of his eyes as he turns to me 


Moth? I stand up and then realize what I turned into, I'm a giant moth, around the high of a big house (not fully aged mother yet) with with six limbs, the top two are like giant pincer things, kinds like a praying mantis? they look really sharp , the middle two are slightly smaller and look like a regular set of big moth arms, the last two act as legs ( at least that's what they feel like) and are a lot stronger and bigger than the rest but not as soft as the middle pair or as sharp as the top pair.

I have a giant pair of moth wings that are a dark navy-ish grey with big blotches of aqua blue and some mint green (like the cover but not glowing and with mint streaks) . My chest fluff is like my forest green hair when I'm human, and my eyes are the same green as normal but instead of a ring around the pupil I don't have pupils and it's just all green, I also have big antenna the same green as my fluff. (basically mothra with a bit more green.)

I close my eyes and attempt to shift back to my human form, after a couple seconds I hear Kachan scream 


Kachans screams sound a lot louder than usual and it hurts. I whimper and cover my ears at this.

"shit Izu! are you ok? is this your quirk?"

"y-yeah I um think it's my quirk, also can you k-keep it quiet? you sound a lot louder than n-normal"

"It's probably your antenna things" he points to my head

"m-my what?" I reach up an- oh! I do have antenna!

"If you didn't know bout your antenna you probably don't know about your wings" he says coolly

That's when I notice them, MY WINGS! I HAVE WINGS! ( they're the moth wings from the photo on top )

"oh my god I have a quirk! we gotta tell mom!" I kinda scream trying my best not to hurt myself

"yeah! LETS GO!" 

I whimper slightly, Kachan apologizes and we head home.

We get to my house, I say bye to Kachan and I get inside, my mom runs over and hugs me crying, why is she crying?

"My BABY! oh my god Izuku!I didn't know where you were! I thought you where hurt! the news is talking about a monster spotted close to here a couple minutes ago, I WAS SO WORRIED!!" she sobs

"mom! quite please!" I squeak out

"o-oh! you got your quirk. well I'm really happy you aren't hurt, let's get you to a quirk doctor" she says smoothly, studying my new appearance

" okay mama!" I say with a big smile

-time skip to the quirk doctor-

"well your son seems to have a moth mutation quirk, can you plas tell me you and your husbands quirk?" said the doctor

"well I can attract small objects to me and my husband can breath fire"

"Quirks are a funky thing, they can either be exactly like their parents or just a really funny play off of it, in this situation it was probably an attraction to light, your attraction and your husbands fire,  it's slightly odd how different it is but it's not like it's never been seen before, more on his quirk,

 I don't think he will be able to fly, the wings don't move very well with the human anatomy unlike bird wings, but they are VERY durable, very similar to the strength of diamonds, his antenna can hear very well and may be sensitive now but he should get used to it when he's older,

He will most likely be able to see in the dark with thermal vision and like I said before be attracted to light. Problems that may occur are his sensitivity to the cold and some more moth like personality, like cooing,chittering, hissing and maybe even purring and that's about it"

"okay well thank you doctor"

"no problem, your son has a very interesting quirk so if they're are any questions you can come in at any time"

"well lets go Izuku!"

"okay mama!" I jump of the seat and we leave the doctors


(1554 Words)

Mothra Izuku! - BakudekuWhere stories live. Discover now