Chapter Two: The Fallen

Start from the beginning

Mileena turns her attention to the demon on the ground who regains his consciousness. She walks over to him, swaying her hips and never breaking eye contact. He peers upward at her in slight terror as she advances. He begins to back away, startled that his wings are failing him now of all times. This makes Mileena smile.

"You know," she starts in a seductive voice. "Your fear amuses me!"

She pounces onto him, revealing her Tarkatan nature by biting into his neck while holding down his left arm and right wing with her hands. Shinnok chuckles demonically as the demon screams and pleads for Mileena to stop. However, it just serves as motivation for her to keep going. Her teeth travel to his shoulder and she removes his left arm with them as he shouts in complete horror and begins to squirm around on the room's floor like a mere worm.

Mileena stands, taking his arm with her between her teeth just before spitting it out to the side. She phases back into her Edenian features with a grin as the blood remains on her teeth and toned lips. He lets out cries as he continues to roll on the stone-like floor, his wings flapping uncontrollably.

"In fact your suffering amuses me more," she says, her eyes widening slightly as she licks her lips clean of the fresh blood.

Shinnok laughs to himself.

"You shall make an excellent recruit indeed. Come, there is a certain responsibility I must bestow upon you," Shinnok announces over the demon's screams as he turns to leave through the cave-like door.

Mileena follows him out into the demon infested city. The sky is a fiery red and the buildings are very high, almost piercing the blood-red yet orange sky. Several demons raid the city's streets with torches and such, hanging random inhabitants by spears just before setting their dead bodies on fire. Some meet Shinnok's glance as he advances through the city with Mileena and turn away in fear. This makes Mileena grin.

"Within this realm there are nine planes, or what most would call sections. In each, I select whom I wish to take charge of that section," Shinnok starts as they proceed. "This is Nekros, an ancient city I constructed long ago to assist in the organization of this realm. Beyond these walls are other sections that are controlled by my most trusted followers."

"Why would a fallen Elder God need assistance in his own realm?" Mileena questions him.

A few demons with swords and axes in their hands stare at Mileena as she advances with Shinnok darkly. She faces them a moment as well, recognizing some of them as past tormentors she's had. They whistle and make many idiotic noises as she passes by. Mileena grins, and waves their way, masking her true intentions.

"I shall end their lives later," she decides amongst herself.

"Assistance is an overstatement. The others are more of my eyes around this realm," he replies.

"I see," Mileena says directing her attention back to Shinnok.

He pauses as they come to a momentary stop in the middle of the city; a plaza-like area that is surrounded by the ancient buildings. Demons that appear human as well as full-fledged demons fill the city. They mostly dress in dark and somewhat gothic appearances and each is armed with a weapon. Their shouting engulfs the air and large burning torches are raised into the sky.

"I am placing you in charge of this section of the realm. This is only the second plane of the realm, but being the specter of lust, it should not be too difficult for you to take control even if it were the ninth," Shinnok faces her, a smirk on his lips.

"The specter of lust?" Mileena questions, ignoring the chaotic commotion filling the area they stand in.

"Indeed you are. Once someone such as yourself descends to my realm and you are well trusted, you are given not only a section, you become a symbol of your very nature," Shinnok explains.

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