Chapter 10: Chase's Fight till the Death

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Skye pov

I grabbed a piece of bread and some ham and put it together with another piece of bread. I made a sandwich, it wasn't a lot of food but it gets us by. I heard a strange noise, I looked out the small window and saw nothing there. It was probably my grogginess getting to me, it was barely 8 am or something.

The noise happened again, but instead it was much louder. "What was that." Rocky said as he he got up from his slumber. "I'm not sure what it is. Chase go check it out." I said as he slowly woke up shortly afterwords. "Ugh do I have to do?" He complained. I rolled my eyes and ignored his comment and said. "Just go, you promised you would take care of this place."

Chase pov

"Oh alright then." I told Skye. Rubbing my eye, and then walking to the water hole. I grabbed a paw full of water and splashed on my face. It was freezing cold, so it woke me right up. I walked out of the box and saw nothing. "Nothing's out here." I said. I looked at the back of the house, and there was nothing but the brick wall.

Then I heard a can being kicked from the other side of the house. I ran towards the noise and finally saw what it was. It was a wolf! It growled and me and smirked. "Oh I thought you were a bigger and much more scarier dog." He said in a rude and disrespectful tone. I glared at him and said. "Why are you here, shouldn't you be in the woods where are you belong?"

"Actually." He said. "I kind of want a change. Have anything good inside that house of yours?" He peaked out the window and I heard Marshall yell out. "Ah, a wolf!!"

"A couple of fine meat in there." He said, with his mouth watering. He scratched a big hole and entered the house. I chased after him as he got Rocky by his extra skin. "No, ow his teeth are sharp!" Rocky said with a whimper.

I tackled him down before it was too late, he dropped Rocky in the process. "Go on, run, I'll catch up." I told the pups. They ran off and I faced the wolf, taking my battle position. This is what all that training is for. Every punch, every kick, every bite. Now worth it here for a fight to the death. "Have you ever even fought before?" The wolf asked. I thought about it and shook my head no. "Well I have and let me just tell you that you are in a load of trouble."

I gulp in worry but forgot about it and ran towards him and jumped up in the air and jumped on top of him...

Skye pov

We kept running away from the scene, many thoughts were racing in my head. Was Chase going to be ok? Will the wolf find us again? Are our neighbors going to be ok? "Skye over here!" Rocky said, breaking me out of my thoughts. I looked and saw there was a much smaller cardboard box, I went towards it and we hid under it. Marshal got out his claws and tore some of the box off to make a small amount of light and a breathing hole.

"I still can't breathe." Zuma said, looking a little woozy. Marshall made the hole a little bigger and then other tiny dots on the roof for more oxygen. We felt better after words. We got away, now hopefully Chase just returns safely and with the wolf gone from this earth...

Chase pov

The wolf grabbed my extra skin and then punched my face. I felt an intense pain, I've never been this badly injured. He threw me at the wall and I slowly got up. When I looked back at him he was hardly injured at all. Just some small amounts of hair was ripped off but for me... I had a black eye, some bruises, lost tooth, and my back really hurt already. I sprang back up and he attempted to tackle. I rolled away and he hit the wall instead. He back away, holding on to his face.

I roundhouse kicked him and he fell back. I jumped on top of him and he quickly kicked me off into one of the pup's houses. I woke them up and they ran off, the wolf box the box in half and threw it aside. "No running away." He said. He grabbed my by my collar bone and punched me again. I was starting to have doubts now. Before he punched again I bit his arm and he let me go. I tackled him down and bit his ear.

He kicked me off and turned the tables on me. He took out his claws and put them on my neck. "Well it's game over for you." He said. Then, out of the blue, Marshall came out of nowhere and tackled the wolf down and got a bottle and broke it on him. "Ah!" The wolf shouted.

"Chase, come on let's go!" Marshall said as he ran off. I ran off and followed Marshall, and took a look back. "Where is everybody?" I asked him.

"They're just over here come on, we should get going in case they kind us." Marshall said as he lifted up a box and revealed to be all the pups there. "Who finds is?" Rocky asked.

"The wolf pack, so let's go over to big view trail and camp out there." Marshall said as everyone came out and we headed off, I'd never imagine we would have to run away from home, even without food. Even then I hope we could survive like this...

Wolf pov

I got the shards of glass off my face and then saw the rest of my pack arrive. "Cris did you find anything?" Lev asked as he walked into the scene with Amira. "No just was attacked by some mutts. They got away though but no food." I said.

"Damn it well at least track them down so we can eat them." Amira requested. I went to the house the dogs lived in and smelled around. "Got it." I said.  "Great, where are they?" Lev asked.

"Follow me, they're not too far."

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