stupid / aryia

596 13 12

Y/n's phone had been buzzing off the hook ever since she woke up. She didn't bother checking it until she had walked all the way to the kitchen, where she was met by her one of her three roommates.
She was being tagged in a video of her rocking out to Aryia's song "Stupid" in her room. She was wearing her pajama pants and a tank top, and her hair was wet. To make matter worse, she was whipping her hair around, making her look like a wet dog on camera. Her voice was no where near good, and at the very end the camera switched to the culprit recording and laughing.
"Aryia! That was one time!" Y/n gaped up at the Cruella DeVille inspired maniac.
He let out a hearty laugh as she continued to justify herself.
"I thought it was cute..." He argued, blushing slightly. His grin widened as he saw Y/n's reaction.
Y/n's cheeks blossomed with red, there was unresolved sexual tension between the two, and him saying that made butterflies swarm in her stomach.
She brushed her blush off with a laugh. "Ary, first off, I thought you forgot about that. Two, I can't believe you had a video of it, and I can't believe you posted it on your Snap Story! I have never been so embarrassed in my life!" She ranted to the slightly older man.
Aryia simply shrugged with a cheeky smile.
Y/n sighed, she knew he was stubborn and wouldn't take it down.
So instead, she grumbled while making a bowl of cereal.
Aryia's expression soon changed to concerned.
"Do you really want me to take it down? If it means that much to you, love, I will."
Y/n's face felt as if it were on fire, luckily she was facing away from him.
"I mean... I guess it doesn't matter that much. I would have preferred you asked me beforehand." She mumbled before a brilliant idea popped into her head. "How about you make it up to me?" Y/n suggested, turning and leaning against the kitchen counter to face him.
"Anything you want, princess." He swore.
Her heart fluttered, the way he called her cute nicknames drove her crazy.
"Take me out on a date." Y/n smiled.
Aryia became flustered. He wasn't expecting her to make the first move, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't like the fact that she could tell him exactly what she wanted.
"Okay... do you want me to surprise you?" He questioned shyly. Aryia couldn't remember ever feeling this nervous about going on a date.
Y/n simply nodded, grabbing her bowl of cereal, she started to head upstairs. Half way up, she turned back and stood close to Aryia.
"Text me the details." With that, she kissed his cheek softly, then headed up to her room.
Aryia just stood in the kitchen, grinning. When he finally went to his room, he was still smiling and holding his cheek where she kissed him.
Now he had to make this date utterly perfect.


After a couple hours of brainstorming, Aryia decided to do something really simple, but cute.
First, he texted Y/n to be ready in comfy clothes by 6pm. It was 5 so it gave him a bit of time to get everything ready.
He had to tell his other roommates of his plan so they could a) help him and b) stay out of the house
*Aryia and roommates text messages*
gc name: slap house OGs

hey boiz.. i have a date tonight,
and i kinda need you guy's help?
you up for it?

#1 dad:
of course man, what do you
need? and if u dont mind
me asking w/ who?

yeah man and ^^
#1 dad:
fucking finally

holy shit i didn't think
you'd actually ask her

well... she asked me but-
anyway, meet me in the
living room like rn lmao

*end of text messages*

The three men met in the living room as promised. Aryia had a projector, a white sheet, and a pile of blankets and pillows on the couch.
"Okay, so I'm taking her out to get pizza. While we are gone, can you guys set up the projector and stuff? It shouldn't take long and this is really important to me... and also, maybe, stay out of the house until ten?"He pleaded.
"Aryia, we want you guys together, too. Trust me, we are sick of seeing the longing looks. We'll do whatever we need to." Kevin laughed. Mike agreed.
Aryia grinned and hugged them both. Then ran upstairs to change.
He got in joggers and a Nirvana t-shirt. He went into the bathroom and splashed some water on his face.
You got this A, you've wanted this for so long. Don't fuck it up. He told himself while staring at his reflection in the mirror. This could change everything for him.
Aryia checked his phone, it was officially six.
He ducked out of the bathroom and went to Y/n's room. As he went to knock, she opened the door.
They made eye contact and blushed.
"So, uh, are you ready to go?" Aryia asked while looking her up and down. She was wearing black sweatpants with a plastic hot pink pocket chain and a bright pink crop top with the playboy bunny bedazzled on it. She was wearing bright pink socks that matched her shirt, and all black FILAs.
Y/n nodded and offered Aryia her hand.
"So... where are we going?" She grinned.
"First stop, pizza and boba... does that sound good? We are gonna take it back to the house though, I have a surprise for you." He said.
Y/n nodded, she was in a euphoric state of disbelief. Yesterday, she wouldn't believe it if you told her she asked him out, or the fact that he said yes.
Aryia drove them ten minutes out of the way to get the "better" boba. In reality, he just wanted to keep holding Y/n's hand in the car. He wanted to live in that moment forever.

They finally got out of the car and went and bought their boba. Right as their order was being called, Mike texted Aryia saying they put everything together and set out her favorite movies. He also had the courtesy to send a picture.

Aryia quickly texted a thank you, and grabbed their drinks

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Aryia quickly texted a thank you, and grabbed their drinks.

"Okay," He said while handing Y/n her drink. "Stop #2, pizza!"
Y/n called in their order so they could just pick it up when they got there.
Aryia reached over and grabbed her hand while she was on the phone. She looked over at him and smiled softly.
Y/n realized how good he looked holding her hand. She realized how right it felt, her being there with him.
She finished up the call with the pizza place and just stared at Aryia. She wanted to remember this moment forever, she wanted to admire every bit of him.
He glanced over at her and smirked. Y/n realized she was still staring, and blushed looking out her window.

They arrived at the pizza place, and Aryia went in to pay and grab the pizzas and drinks.
When he came back, Y/n was watching him walk up.
"Take a picture, princess, it'll last longer." He grinned.
She pulled out her phone and took a picture of him with the pizzas in hand.
"You look really cute in this." Y/n smiled shyly at him.
He just chuckled and handed her the pizzas.
"Okay, so, last stop: home." He smiled at her while buckling in.

When they got back to the house, Y/n insisted on carrying the pizzas in. This made it easier for Aryia to make sure her eyes were closed when he opened the door so he agreed.

He stopped her right before she got to the front door.
"Close your eyes." He said. Y/n did as she was told. She heard the door open, and Aryia step inside.
"Open." He said softly.
She opened her eyes, and walked in. The living room was dark, lit up only by fairy lights, candles, and a projector.
Y/n turned to Aryia. Her eyes were wide and she was smiling.
He led her to blanket bed on the floor. They ate pizza and watched y/f/m (your favorite movie).
"So... good first date?" Aryia whispered to her in the middle of the first movie.
She laughed and nodded.
"Want to go on a second one?"
"I'd love that, stupid."
They fell asleep on their makeshift bed in the middle of the floor, cuddling.

holy crap, this took so long because i started off a little rough, and i had a completely different idea at the beginning, but i kinda like how this turned out!
i dont see many Aryia fics and it make me sad bc i loveee him!!
anyway this one is 1.4k words! please dont forget to comment, vote, and follow!

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