Ginny leaned in closer but Harry jumped to his feet. "I'm sorry, I forgot that I promised Dumbledore that I would meet up with him as soon as I got back. I'll talk to you later."

Ginny looked stunned but she tried to hide it as she said, "yeah, 'course. See you later."

Harry hurried down the corridor, running his fingers through his hair. What the bloody hell was that? Part of him thought about kissing her but the other part couldn't stop thinking about Draco. Harry had thought that last year he was gaining feelings toward his mate's sister but after this year, he wasn't sure what he wanted. Maybe he liked guys and girls. Though, if he had to pick between Ginny and Draco, it should be obvious. Ginny would be less complicated and less controversial. Draco was arrogant, rude and didn't want anything serious.

It was an obvious choice. So, why the hell did his heart throb thinking about parting from Draco for good?


Draco didn't want to go back to his dorm. He wasn't ready to face Blaise who would ask a million questions and to face his responsibilities. It was only lying outside that he's able to forget everything and relax. Though, right now, he was having a hard time doing that. Lying on the beach that he and Harry would meet at, was making it hard to not think about him. During the break, thinking about Harry had been a way to distract his mind. Now, to think about him was to think about him kissing Weaslette.

Draco groaned and got to his feet. He stripped down to his underwear and walked into the water. It was ice cold, but the cold proved to be a welcome distraction. He dove down and came back up, gasping and shivering. This was honestly ridiculous and he never would have done something like this before but he was feeling reckless.

He started swimming around to get his body warm again and when he grew tired, he floated on his back.


Harry walked down to the beach. He figured this was the only place that he was going to get some privacy. When he saw a pile of clothes in the sand, he was just going to turn around because he didn't want to see a couple shagging. But he paused when he noticed that it was a black suit lying in the sand. There was only one person that could belong to. Harry gazed out at the water and saw a white figure floating above the water. He waited for him to start moving but when he didn't, Harry panicked.

He didn't want to call out his name, in fear of others hearing. So, he had no choice but to go after him. Harry took off his clothes, leaving his underwear on, and wadded into the water. It was freezing and he was reminded of the Triwizard Tournament challenge. He just hoped that the merpeople didn't decide to drag Draco underwater before he got to him.

When Harry made it to Draco, he touched his leg and the other flinched. Draco's face went underwater and he came up, spluttering and wiping his face.

When Draco saw it was Harry, he glared. "What the bloody hell are you doing?"

"Me? You're the one floating in the middle of the lake like a corpse! I thought you had drowned!"

"Well, clearly your glasses aren't working because I was just swimming."

"What the hell are you even doing swimming in the middle of winter? Do you have a death wish?"

"Shouldn't you be off snogging Weaslette?"

Harry looked taken aback. "What?"

Draco turned away from him. "Just go. You've done your heroic thing, now leave me in peace."

"Not unless you come with me." Harry grabbed Draco's arm and turned him to face him. "Not only is it dangerous to swim in the winter, but this lake is full of magical creatures. Trust me, most of the creatures aren't friendly."

"I don't care. Leave me alone."

"I'll drag you out of this lake if I have to," Harry threatened.

"I would like to see you try."

They stared each other down, waiting for the other to break. After a minute, Harry sighed.

"You know what? Do what you want. You obviously don't care about me so I'm done caring too."

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