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So yeah, i don't know if you guys even read this part lmao but yeah. . . So first of all i'm Author Michicxo who trying hard to be author, i'm not good in writing and i'm so freaking lacking in expressing the actual scene i imagine in my little brain it took me a minute or so, to decide how i express it in a good and understandable way and sometimes in frustration i decided to not write anymore lol, so inshort i'm lacking and not so talented author u imagine, i tell you, i fucking tell you i'm not lmao.

Second, my skills is not that deep so don't expect a deep words (but i'll try my best), a deep conflict, and a deep story, just a nonsense but trying hard to be good story. -,-

Third, i'm so insecure with my works. . . Nah actually i don't trust my own talent, everytime i read my works my face is just like this "ಠ_ಠ". Then my fucking insecurities hit the most highest number then my little finger has own brain and tap the "delete icon" then boom goodbye to my nonsense work. So i really need your opinion guys, okay? I'll try my best to not follow my own fucking opinion. I will follow your opinion starting now. Aight?!

So yeah that's all, stay and let's wait if how this story goes. (ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┻━┻

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