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In the middle of discussing someone open the door and said loudly:  “I'm sorry, i'm late!” heads bowing so low.

“It's always like this, Mr Choi!”

“Im really sorry ma'am, captain discuss some things to me this time i swear!”

The teacher just sighed and signaled him to go inside.

The guy just smiled apologetically and hurriedly went to his chair which is the chair at Soobin's back.

The teacher in front looked at her watch and said; “I only have 15 minutes so please get a whole sheet of paper and pen.”

Soobin quietly got his things and settled it infront of him when he heard a tiny curses and some shuffling at his back.

“Fuck where did I put that fucking pen? That noisy bastard borrowed it earlier!”

A second later Soobin felt someone tapped his shoulder, “Dude can i borrow a pen? Do you have some extra?”

“Oh yes, here.”

“Thank you.”

The guy smiled and Soobin smiled in exchange.

Four subject passed when the bell rang indicating a break, all students sigh in relief and regained their energy as if boredom didn't almost suffocate them earlier.

Soobin quietly put his things in his bag when someone kicked his chair.

“Yo treat us some foods.” The brown hair guy said with a bored look plastered in his not so smooth face.

Soobin stayed still and just quietly looked at the guys infront of him.

“Look at this faggot. Didn't you hear us?” This time one of 'brown hair' guy's friend kicked his chair.

Soobin looked down and tightly gripped his bag's strap.

“I heard...”

“Then why are you still sitting while trying to look so pitiful? Go get up!”

Soobin hurriedly stand up; eyes still looking down.

The brown hair guy step forward and gripped Soobin's chin.

“Look up. Don't hide your pretty face.”

Soobin ignored him his gaze still glued to the floor.

The brown hair guy gritted his teeth and forced Soobin to looked up by gripping his chin.
The smaller hissed by the hard grip and looked at the guy face infront of him.

The brown hair guy smirked and silently observing the pretty face infront of him.

“Hah! So fucking pretty.” The brown hair guy let go the smaller's chin but to tapped the pretty face infront of him. “if you are a girl i already do the 'thing' to you.”

Soobin sweat and secretly gripped his bag as if his life depends on it.

“Don't show your disgusting form in front of me.”

Soobin snapped his head at the guy who's comfortably sitting while swirling a pen on his right hand.

“Don't be so noisy Choi.” The brown hair guy snorted, “This is not your fucking business.”

The guy was comfortable sitting smiled and stand up, he flicked the pen upward and waited it to steadily dropped at his palm.

“That's so gay, Taekyung.”

The brown hair guy coldly smile but fire igniting in his eyes.

“Who's gay Choi? If i'm not mistaken the one who's gay here is you.”

YEONBIN: AUTOPHOBIA✓Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя