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"Don't. . . Don't Go." The taller said while gripping the smaller wrist tightly.

The taller looked up to the smaller boy like his life depended on him.

"P...Please. . ."

The smaller doe eyes looked at the big hand who's now gripping tightly in his wrist, then looked at the owner of the big hands.
He flinch when he saw the dominance on the taller face, the taller's face has a powerful aura that makes every people shiver when they looked directly on the taller face, the smaller gulped trying to calm his inner senses.

The taller saw the 'FEAR' plastered in the smaller face, so he bowed his head and continue to gripping the smaller wrist, not wanting to let it go, and fear that when he let go the smaller wrist he might be run away from him and ending he's alone in this suffocating room. The thinking of being alone send shiver down to his spine, and feel his anxiety slowly creeping his whole body.

The taller didn't noticed that his grip going tighter and tighter, and the smaller wince when the taller continue to gripping him tightly.

"O...ouch. . ." He quietly cried, enough to be heard by the taller.

The taller looked up again and to be welcomed by teary doe eyes that full of fear and submission.

He slightly loosened his grip not wanting to hurt the smaller or to be scared by him.

"I'm...I'm sorry. . ." The taller's voice sounds so weak.

"L..Let me go. . ." The smaller said, his voiced cracked and his tone full of fear and desperation.

"No. . ."

The smaller's doe eyes widened and starting to watered.

The taller panicked when he saw the smaller nearly to cry.

"N...No. . . Hey, don't cry, i'm. . .i'm not going to hurt you okay? Just. . .just. . . stay with me for awhile." The taller said while looking at the smaller with begging eyes.

The smaller looked back at the taller, he feel scared when he saw the dominance in the taller face but at the same time he saw the weakness and helplessnes in the taller eyes.

"Please... Just for a while." The taller begged.

He didn't know what to react, yes the smaller scared but at the same he wants to stay when he saw the emotion on the taller eyes.

Yes the taller has a powerful aura that can make all the living things shiver once he looked at them but he's sure when he sees the weakness and helplessnes in the taller eyes, he's hundred percent sure that he's not mistaken.

The smaller just stand there and not moving at all, the only things that heard in the room is the taller panting and the unsteady breathing of smaller.

The smaller let the taller grip his wrist while the taller hang his head low.

Minutes passed, the smaller noticed that the taller's breathing had returned to normal, so he tried to say a word but in dismayed his lips only open and no words came out.

'Fudge, Soobin calm your self, just say it.'

When he tried to say a word again he cut off by the taller suddenly let go of his wrist, he felt the burning sensation in his wrist and when the smaller looked at his wrist he saw the redness in it, he carefully grabbed his own wrist and wincing when he felt the pain because of his sudden touch on his kinda bruised skin.

The smaller brought his gaze back to taller but he flinched when his gaze meet the cold-stone and stoic face of taller that gives shiver down to his whole body.
He gulped and look away, 'Seriously? This is too much for me.'

The smaller breath hitched when he feel the taller standing infront of him right now, he squirmed under the taller burning gaze, unconsciously he made a stepback away from the taller because the taller's presence is suffocating him.

"Look at me." The taller's deep voice echoed through the whole quite room.

The smaller flinched by the voice of the man infront of him that full of authority, he feel his heart painfully beating in his chest and his unsteady breathing is not helping, he don't know what to do by the burning gaze that taller giving to him.

"I...I. . ."

The smaller squeaked when he felt a strong fingers lifting his chin so he faced the taller intimidating look.

"I said look at me." The taller said sternly that makes the smaller squirm under him.

The smaller looked at the brown eyes infront of hin that has an unreadable emotion in it the same as the taller looking at the cute doe eyes infront of him, the smaller cheeks reddened when the taller eyes is now in his two softly pinkish lips, he squirm when he saw the taller eyes become dark, he doesn't have idea if the man infront of him is mad or annoyed. Suddenly his insecurities come out and creeping his whole body.

'What if my lips is dry?'

'What if my lips is too pale right now?'

'What if my lips is ugly like my older sis said?'

'What if my lips chapped?'

He gasped at his last thought, unconsciously he stuck out his tongue to wet his lips and see if his lips were really chapped.

He flinched when the taller infront of him released a growl.

The smaller eyes widened when he saw the taller's eyes is so dark, the smaller's body stumbling and back away but he can't by the strong gripped of the taller in his chin.

"Let...Let me go."

But the taller just smirked, and the smaller is sure that smirk give him overwhelming feeling.

"So submissive." The taller said as he get his faced near in the smaller face, he smirk when he saw the doe eyes of the smaller got bigger.

'So fucking cute.'

He brought his face close to the smaller's face wanting to devour that piece of meat that so plump and pinkish, that look so good to suck.

He felt the smaller's hands is now in his chest trying to push him away with his reddened cheeks and widened doe eyes.

But the taller kinda liked what he sees, it's so pleasing in his eyes.

He cupped the hot cheeks of the smaller and softly caressing it, his hot gaze never leave the two little plump meat like it's served only for him.

Slowly he brought his face to the smaller's face ready to devour the smaller's lips, he heard the heavy breath that the smaller released and he's not gonna lie but it turns his on.

When he can barely feel the smaller's lips suddenly his phone rang, that cause of bolting them away to each other.

The taller cursed under his breath while running his hands in his soft blue locks while the smaller is still in shock of what gonna happened if the taller's phone not rang.

'What...What the fuck what was that?'





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