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Song - Worst Of You by Maisie Peters

"Welcome to Ravenclaw," Harry bowed in front of the blond king.

"I am King Xenophilius. This," He gestured to a blue-eyed, blonde-haired woman, "Is my wife, Queen Pandora,". He smiled kindly and turned to the blonde girl in the smallest throne.

"Go ahead, darling," He said to the young girl.

Harry turned to her. She was an alpha, her long blonde hair tied into a sleek high ponytail. Her stormy grey eyes were paler than Draco's silver ones and Harry felt a pain in his chest.

"I'm Princess Luna of Ravenclaw, we welcome you to our kingdom," She said sweetly, smiling at Harry with perfect white teeth.

"Thank you, I'm Prince Harry," And all of Gryffindor who had come introduced themselves.

Harry was in the guest chambers while skimming through a book. He let his mind wander to a certain Omega and bit his lip.

"Oh, dear one, if you knew how much I missed you," He whispered to no one in particular.

"Mr. Potter!" Came a voice outside the door. He stood up and opened it, revealing Princess Luna's maid, Cho.

"Sorry to interrupt you, but I have a letter for you here. From Prince Draco of Slytherin, here you are," She handed him a letter and he felt his heart combust.

"Thank you, Cho," He said kindly and closed the door after she bowed and left.

He practically ran to the bed and bounced on it, tearing open the letter.

To my dearest, Harry,

Hello, Love, how is Ravenclaw? I heard the Princess is very sweet. I think her name is Luna? Mother thinks that I've fallen in love with you and to be honest, I don't think she's wrong. I think I love you, Harry Potter. Pansy has given a letter inside this one, it's for Hermione. Ron and Adriana still kiss in corridors, I'm guessing? Yeah, I caught them near the library. I miss you. I've been craving your touch, your lips. Your scent. Oh, how I've fallen so hard for that scent of yours. Well, I must be off.

From your Omega,

Harry smiled and looked at the extra folded piece of parchment. The letter to Hermione.

'I'll give it to her later' He said to himself, re-reading Draco's letter.

Immediately after, he grabbed a piece of parchment off the desk and began writing his response.

He looked over it twice before he folded it and called for Cho again.

"Here you are, send this to the Slytherin Kingdom, it's for Prince Draco," He gave her the letter. She smiled, nodded, and scurried away.

Harry walked over and sat in the window, looking to the north, where, somewhere, Slytherin lay.

"I miss you, Princey, I miss you,".

Somewhere to the north, where Slytherin lay

"I miss him so much, Pans," Draco sobbed into Pansy's shoulder. She smiled sadly and held him and cried as well.

"I know how you feel, Dray. I miss Hermione so much. We... we talked about mating, y' know," She confessed. She laid back onto his bed, face down, and sobbed.

"Draco," Pansy sighed and walked to Draco's door, letting Narcissa come in, before returning to crying face down on Draco's bed.

"Oh, my babies," Narcissa said lovingly, running over to the crying teens, gathering them into a hug.

"What's wrong, darlings?" She asked them, kissing Draco's head, then Pansy's.

"Harry's gone," Draco said softly, nuzzling into his mother's warmth. She rubbed his back soothingly and turned to Pansy.

"And you, love?" She asked calmly, already knowing the raven's answer.

"Hermione," She said softly, letting Narcissa hold her tighter.

"I'm sure you'll see them again, loves. Draco, Harry took a liking to you. I think he'll be back soon. With Hermione," She added. Pansy looked at her and smiled.

"But, his servant, Ron. Ron said that Harry was going to mate with a beta in Gryffindor," Draco sobbed. Narcissa's face turned dark.

"Not if I have anything to do with it," She said sternly, continuing to comfort them.

She left them when they both fell asleep and went to Lucius and her chamber.

"Darling, if Harry Potter doesn't come back in one year, we're striking war against Gryffindor," She said calmly. changing into her nightgown.

"Is this about Draco? I think he's upset about Harry leaving," Lucius said, getting up and wrapping his arms around his wife.

"Yes, it is. If that boy thinks he can come here and steal my baby's heart and then never show his face here again he has another thing coming! I'll kill him. I'll-" Lucius cut her off with a kiss.

"Why don't we go to sleep, love. You need rest," He said, leading her to their bed. She sighed and kissed him again before climbing into the bed.

"Draco!" Draco woke up with Pansy straddling his waist, shaking the living daylights out of him.

"Bloody hell, Pans, what the fuck do you want," He asked, shoving her off him and rolling over.

"Harry's response came!" She shouted. He shot up and snatched the paper out of her hands.

Draco opened it and Pansy looked over his shoulder.

Hey, pumpkin,

Ravenclaw is nice, lot's of birds (which, if you recall, I am quite scared of). Luna is very sweet, I think she's taken a liking to Hermione's company. She told me she doesn't want a mate, but to rule her kingdom alone and adopt a child. I think your mother is right. I think you're in love with me. But I have no room to talk, I'm even more in love with you. I'll be sure Hermione gets the letter, she misses Pansy. As for Ron and Adriana, not corridors. They've upgraded to her chambers. Ugl. I miss you too, pumpkin, so much. I wish I was still with you, you could have my touch, and my lips, and above all, my scent. Do you know how much I've missed your sweet scent?  I fall asleep with your cardigan in my hand every night. Draco Malfoy, I promise you that one of these days, I'm going to get permission from your parents. I'm going to marry you and, with your consent, we will mate. We're going to have beautiful babies with angel blonde hair and emerald green eyes. I love you so much.

Love, Your Alpha,

Draco flushed and Pansy smirked.

"I think you'll have fun making those babies with 'angel hair' and 'emerald green eyes'," She snorted, mocking Harry's letter.

But Draco smiled.

"Damn straight," He said, reading the letter over and over again.


Hope you enjoyed <3

Xoxo, Tiffany

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