Chapter 17: Heroes

Start from the beginning

Which was rather sad because Henry had never seen a show before and he didn't want the only one he ever saw to be for a party celebrating his mother's arrest.

There was no band on stage, only a DJ and a couple of influencers bouncing around and singing into microphones. Although he couldn't help but be angry that so many people were having a good time, he didn't leave, and he soon found his head bobbing to the music.

The night was electric – and it wasn't just a figure of speech. Henry could practically feel the energy radiating off the huge crowd. Every person down on the streets was radiating the smallest fraction of electricity and with so many of them bunched together, Henry could feel it even from all the way on the roof.

It was a warm feeling that almost made him feel connected to the people on the ground.

If only he could feel a connection to their happiness as easily.

Henry flinched when the music cut off abruptly and adoring screams went up from the crowd. He hadn't been listening to the person on stage, but he wasn't surprised when Kilowatt marched onto the stage to the tune of her loving fans.

She took a microphone from a stagehand and lifted her head, waiting for the chance to speak. A hush fell over the crowd. Nobody wanted to miss a word from Bandock's greatest hero.

"Good evening, everyone." Kilowatt's voice boomed from the speakers. The crowd roared and Henry couldn't help but roll his eyes. Could these people never let their hero talk without interruption? He wanted to hear what she had to say. About his mother and her arrest, and, of course, him.

"Thank you so much for coming." Henry huffed. Her public image was so different to her hero image. She was much more menacing when speaking to officers or shouting during a fight.

"It's a great honour to announce that Bandock will no longer have to remain in fear of..." Henry tuned her out. He didn't want to hear about how much of a menace his mother was to everyone. Especially from someone his mother used to love.

Henry watched as Kilowatt walked across the stage, talking up the crowd, making the excitement in the air rise. She was a natural. Moving around smoothly, drawing in everyone's eyes. He couldn't help but stare at her legs before taking a glance at his own.

We really do have the longest legs in Bandock. He thought, rubbing at his ankle. Can't believe I didn't figure it out sooner, we look so similar. Then again, she's a woman so I guess it's fair that I didn't see it right away.

Henry glanced down at his chest, pulling the fabric away from his skin. "Will I be a woman one day?" He couldn't help but humour the thought. If he was a clone of Kilowatt, maybe he'd want to transition one day too.

He shook his head furiously. No. He wouldn't let that happen. He wouldn't mock Kilowatt anymore than he already had by his sheer existence. He wouldn't let them become the same person. He'd be her opposite, if to do nothing but prove to her that he deserved to exist.

Henry froze when he heard screams erupt from the crowd below. They weren't the happy screams of adoration from earlier, no. They were screams of disbelief, terror, anger.

He looked down frantically, thinking someone must've spotted him sitting on the roof. But nobody was looking his way. Everyone was staring at the stage where Kilowatt was nodding her head.

"Yes, that's right, everyone. I came today to announce my retirement!"

No. Way.

Henry straightened up instantly. Kilowatt? Retiring? No! She couldn't be! The citizens wouldn't be able to function without their hero! Where was she going to go? What was she going to do? Would she file for government protection like other retired heroes? If his mother was locked up, would she really need it?

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