Chapter 17: Heroes

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Henry stood silently in the middle of the repair shop. Somewhere in the distance he could hear a dog barking and if he strained his ears hard enough, he could hear the buzzing of electricity through the cables running around the shop.

He was supposed to be keeping his legs elevated and rested but he couldn't stop himself from wandering around the shop, unplugging the machines that would never be repaired.

He pulled the last plug and the barking was gone along with the buzzing of electricity. It was far too quiet. That's what Henry hated most about the last couple weeks. The house was quieter than it had ever been, and Henry had been lying in bed for so long that the silence had developed its own unique sound. It was oddly similar to that of his mother tinkering away in the shop.

But of course, there was nobody there.

Henry let out a breath and climbed back up the stairs, just barely remembering to duck and keep from hitting his head. He walked down the hall, ignoring the door to his mother's room. One day he'd open it to clean, he was sure. He just didn't want it to be today.

Henry ignored the bed with pillows piled high at the foot, meant to elevate his legs. He sat at his desk and turned on his computer, ignoring the hero blogs and bringing up the local news page. The events tab was full of activity. Everyone was excited for that afternoon's celebration.

"They lock my mom up and decide to throw a party to celebrate..." He grumbled, pushing the mouse around aimlessly. "With special appearances from the so-called town hero and her sidekick. Whoop-de-do." He waved a finger in the air, propping his chin in his hand.

He really didn't want to go to the big town party. He didn't feel like celebrating, he didn't feel like listening to the speeches and music, and he didn't feel like cheering about what had been the worst day of his life.

He wouldn't even be thinking about going if it wasn't for Kuma asking him to. Ryan had asked too, of course, but Henry could reject him easily. It was only when Kuma showed up at his door that Henry began to consider the idea.

He couldn't figure out why they wanted him to show up to the party, he couldn't figure out why they told him he only had to show up to the final speech, and he couldn't figure out why they wanted him to show up in costume.

It's like they're asking me to get arrested next. He thought. Wasn't it enough to put my mother away?

Henry pushed back his chair, opening one of his dresser drawers.

I guess I'll need a new pair of pants.

Henry felt his legs complain as he pulled himself up the scaffolding. Plenty of buildings were covered in the stuff after their final battle. Police forces were spread thin, so it was easy for Henry to slip around in his suit, blending in with the shadows around him.

He wasn't sure if his bright purple pants were helping on that front. He had never realized just how tight most of his pants were until he had to replace the bloody, tattered ones he used to wear with his costume. To keep from messing with the bandages covering his legs, he chose the baggiest pants he owned which just so happened to be bright purple.

He was sure Kuma wouldn't mind. He was at least half in costume.

Henry climbed across the roof of the building, seating himself a few feet from the edge. He'd learned his lesson about sitting on ledges.

He could feel the vibrations in the air from the music pounding out of the speakers standing tall on the stage. It was the first time the stage had been used in years. Nobody wanted to book a show in Bandock, especially since nobody wanted to book a show that could be attacked by Repulser and her sidekick.

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