Chapter 2: Mishaps Of A Hydrokinetic

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{Author's Note: Hi! Give it a vote if you like it :) Comment too, it gives me motivation.}

Ryan hiked up his backpack, swiftly bending over to pick up a discarded wrapper. Evidently, somebody was a litterbug.

"Jeez," Ryan muttered. "Recycling bins in every room and they still drop the wrappers on the floor." He shook his head in disappointment, putting the plastic in his pocket as he continued on to class.

It was the little things that bugged him. The things that didn't take any effort to do and yet somehow nobody could seem to do them. Throwing your trash out properly, crossing the street at designated crosswalks, staying out of the way during battles with Fuse and Repulser, using reusable shopping bags; it wasn't that hard!

It was frustrating to be the bad guy in those situations. Ryan couldn't count the times he'd been told off for running after a car that had coasted through a stop sign. He was only trying to keep everyone safe, what was everyone always yelling at him for?

That and he rather liked annoying people, but that wasn't the point.


His head shot up. He hadn't even told anyone off yet and he was getting shouted at.

"Ryan!" The girl slammed her locker and grinned broadly, waving her arm frantically. Her long hair bounced as she ran over, throwing her arms open for a hug.

"Oh God, oh God..." Ryan whispered under his breath, bracing himself.

She plowed into him, nearly knocking him off his feet. To keep from tipping over, he gave her a spin, making her laugh. "Hey, Lina." He said, giving her a little push. She finally released him, keeping her award-winning grin plastered on her face.

"Guess what day it is!" She sang, looping her arm around his.

"Friday?" He tried.

Lina barrelled on as though she hadn't heard him, leading him down the hall. "Today's my affinity test!"

The thing you've mentioned every day for weeks now... How surprising. Ryan decided not to ruin her fun and smiled. "Oh, right! Still think you're kinetic?"

"I know I am!" Lina insisted. "You just don't get it because you're not kinetic! You don't even have an affinity."

"Of course." Ryan nodded. "I just forget sometimes."

Lina flipped her hair back, giggling. "Pretty weird thing to forget, but okay. Hey, you're still coming to my party tomorrow, right? I really want you to be there."

You mean the party you've mentioned every day for weeks now? Couldn't tell you wanted me there. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

Lina squeaked, clapping her hands. "Yay! Okay! I'll see you later, then!" She skipped into her classroom and Ryan rolled his eyes, continuing on to his homeroom class.

Lina was a nice girl, but she seemed to have no common sense. If her mother wasn't friends with Ryan's mother, he doubted he ever would've noticed the clingy freshman girl. If he had, he doubted he would've become friends with her. She was too... obsessive was probably the word.

But since he knew it's what his mother would've wanted, he could muddle through.

Ryan strode through the door to his homeroom class, quickly taking his seat at the back. He glanced at the empty desk next to him, letting out a short sigh. "God, Sofia, why'd you have to go and leave me alone with Lina?" Ryan sealed his lips when he noticed the student at the next desk over was shooting him a funny look.

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