Chapter 6: Two Seconds

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"Nonono!" Ryan exclaimed, struggling to get his own wave to form back up in the choppy water. "Come on!" He pulled both arms upwards and the water pushed him up. A spinning gesture of his hand made a smallwhirlpool form around him, pushing him easily after Repulser.

Unfortunately, by the time he reached her, she had already jumped out of the water and splintered her own boat. God, she was fast when she wanted to be. 

Captain Kilowatt was struggling underneath a large piece of Repulser's boat and Fuse was lying on the floor. Ryan leaped out of the water and ran after Repulser who was racing away from the lake. She was already far ahead of him, but Fuse was moving slower, only just getting up off the ground.

Ryan grinned. Easy target, as always. He sent an arm arcing forward, pulling a jet of water from the lake and looping it in front of Fuse, sending him flying into the air and crashing into the lake. Ryan raced towards Repulser but stopped when the piece of wood covering Kilowatt splintered into charred pieces. He could practically smell the energy around her. Kilowatt stood with a scowl, breathing heavily, hands smoking. 

"Boss, Repulser-"

"What the hell are you wearing?" Kilowatt spat.

"Uh... My mask is getting cleaned?" Kilowatt's eyes narrowed and Ryan threw up his hands. "I forgot it at school today, I'm sorry! But I came anyway, didn't I?"

Kilowatt let out a sigh, shaking her head. "Were there any civilians out there?"

"No, she was just smashing empty boats." Ryan shrugged.

"Okay..." Kilowatt let out a breath, turning on her heel and walking off. "We're done here."

"What?!" Ryan shook his head. "Come on, Boss, we've got Fuse in the lake, Repulser's running scared, we can-"

"I don't pursue on the grounds of some minor property damage." Kilowatt stated. "Repulser hasn't done anything to warrant my anger tonight."

"What about Fuse?" Ryan said. "He's in the lake right now, I can-"

"I don't want to see that abomination again tonight." She said flatly. "Go home, Angler. I'm tired."


"Go home!"

Ryan watched as Kilowatt marched off, soon disappearing down the pier. Ryan scoffed, directing his attention towards the lake. He was about to jump in and look for Fuse so he could catch the criminal himself when the entire lake sparked with energy.

Ryan froze, blinking. Had he imagined that? Sure enough, not a moment later, a second spark lit up the lake, cracking like lightning.

The energy pulsed through the water like a heartbeat, a steady rhythm of electricity jumping across the water.

"What the hell?" Ryan whispered, stepping closer to the edge of the lake. He could see the legs of the dock sticking out of the water starting to char. He scanned the water and watched the energy pulses, soon seeing they were emanating from the area Ryan had tossed Fuse into.

Ryan began running along the edge of the lake, closer to the center of the pulses. He hadn't gone very far when he heard footsteps running somewhere ahead of him. He veered towards the nearby buildings, using them as cover to approach.

He saw Repulser at the water's edge, kneeling down, leaning towards the water. "FUSE!" She was screaming. "FUSE!" Ryan watched as Repulser banged her fists on the ground, not daring touch the electric water. "FUSE!"

Ryan furrowed his brow. She sounded like she was going to cry. What was the big deal? He was just using his kinesis and the water was conducting the electricity. It was nothing to worry about.

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