Daylight ; Chapter 18

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Author's Notes: Hey guys! Sorry for this late update, but I don't know how many of you know, but I'm Italian, and Italy is in lockdown mode right now because of the corona virus. I'm in quarantine until the third of April, but it could prolong even longer. Everything is closed, including schools, but I'm in the last year of high school so I have an important exam at the end of June. Right now, I had hoped to have more free time to write, but us students are keeping in touch wiht our teachers through video lessons, and I have lots and lots of homeworks to do. It's really tough right now, because I spend the majority of my day in front of a computer, so even though I am really inspired to write, I also don't want my head to explode because of headaches. I hope you understand. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the next updates, which I'm sure are going to be more fluffy than angsty. 

I love you guys, and please, please stay safe. Wash your hands and please take care of yourselves. I love you.


Waking up beside Taylor always felt like a dream.

Thursday morning, timid rays of the sun filtered through the slightly open curtains and landed on Taylor's sleeping face. Her expression was one of contentment and relaxation, her lips lightly parted and giving space to peaceful breaths. Karlie cuddled closer to her body, holding her tightly against her chest and rubbing her hand up and down her clothed back. Taylor stirred between her arms and hummed unintelligible words. Karlie smiled faintly and inhaled the sweet scent that her skin always seemed to emanate.

"Baby, wake up," she whispered against her ear. "We have to leave in a few hours,"

"Hm, I'm awake,"

Karlie softly laughed. When seeing no sign from Taylor's still frame, she disentangled herself from the mess that their limbs were, and got up from bed. The cool air of the bedroom made her shiver and wrap her own arms around herself. She padded towards the window and pulled the curtains open, letting in sunlight although it was still too early for it to be too strong. However, she heard Taylor groan from beneath the warm blankets, and when she turned round, she saw her pull the sheets over her head. "Come on, babe, get up," Karlie insisted, tugging at the grey covers.

"Five more minutes," she pleaded, her voice sounding muffled. The veterinarian shook her head and sighed, giving up. Taylor could be a stubborn sleepyhead sometimes, and today happened to be one of those mornings.

"Well, I'm going to prepare breakfast, then,"

They weren't exactly in a hurry. They had prepared their luggage the night before, so all they needed to do was have breakfast, shower, get dressed and then leave. Still, Karlie playfully rolled her eyes when all Taylor did was give her a thumbs up, not even addressing her statement.

Taylor's kitchen wasn't unfamiliar, but Karlie wasn't used to cooking in such a large room. She opened her fridge to get the ingredients for pancakes, and then started to prepare their early breakfast. During the fifteen minutes she used to make breakfast, she thought about the three days ahead of them. Her family would finally meet Taylor, and she knew that, initially, they would only see her as the woman that came after Margaret. The baker was going to be the first woman she would introduce to her family as her girlfriend after Margaret's death, and she just hoped that they would react well. She hoped they would see just how truly happy she was with Taylor, and just how happy she really made her. Her mother has always been supportive of the women she's been with, but she had been particularly fond of Margaret, of her down to earth, nurturing demeanor. Her mother had known from the start that Margaret would have been the one for her, but now that she wasn't here anymore, Karlie just hoped that her mother wouldn't judge Taylor just because she wasn't Margaret. Just because she had replaced Margaret.

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