I Really Like You ; Chapter 11

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As soon as Taylor finished her shift, she got rid of the ivory apron and practically fled from the bakery. However, Cecilia managed to stop her before she could set foot outside.

"Hey! Why are you in such a hurry?" the redhead woman chirped, appearing behind the blonde, who looked like a deer caught in the headlights. The short, round owner of the shop eyed her up and down, suspiciously. "Did something happen?"

Taylor stared at her for a moment, eyes wide and lips forming a thin line. "No! God, no, nothing happened, thankfully. I just—I was just going home."

Cecilia raised an eyebrow and pushed her chin against her chest. "Then why do you look so nervous? Sweetie, I'm not going to call the police."

"I—," Taylor laughed anxiously and run a hand through her wavy hair.

How could she explain it to Cecilia, her friend, who was also her colleague and boss? It wasn't like she could straight up say, Hey, I'm really nervous because I'm about to tell Karlie, who is also the best friend I've met at the wrong wedding, that I like her very much!. Taylor swallowed at the thought.

"Okay, well," Cecilia clapped her hands once and let out a sigh. "I hope you didn't murder someone, because in that case, I think I should really call the police."

Taylor smiled. "No, I didn't murder someone, Cece. Don't worry about me."

"Whatever it is," the redhead woman grinned. "You don't need to worry. It's going to be great."

"Well, I hope you're right,"

Cecilia nodded and looked back at the empty shop. A few of the wooden tables still needed to be cleaned, but the owner had reassured her that she would take care of it. "I'll see you next year?"

"That is a lame joke and you know it," Taylor pulled the scarf closer as she took ahold of the handle, ready to face the freezing winter evening.

"Well, tomorrow is the thirty first, and I'm giving you another little break, which means that you're coming back on the third. So, technically, I'll see you next year."

Taylor rolled her eyes but laughed nevertheless. Some of the tension on her shoulders disappeared into the wind, as she opened the door and said her farewell to Cecilia. The snow on the sidewalk crunched beneath her raven boots, and she tugged her coat closer. She took her phone out of her pocket and immediately called Selena, the only one who could calm her down in a situation like this.


"Selena, I'm about to do it."

The nurse let out a hearty giggle. "You're about to do what?"

Taylor sighed and pushed her free hand on the pocket of her jacket. She walked through the crowded sidewalk of New York City, with one destination in mind; Karlie's clinic. "I'm going to tell Karlie I like her. I'm going to ask her out."

When Taylor had asked if Karlie was free later that day, the veterinarian had sadly informed her that she would be working all day, attempting to visit as much animals as she could before the year ended. The baker had no intention to wait any longer; she needed to tell her how she felt. She needed to get the words out, hell, even scream them at the top of her lungs. She wanted to see Karlie's reaction, but above all, she wanted, needed, to know if she felt the same. If her feelings were mutual. Because what she had called a crush months earlier, was soon turning into a frightening infatuation with the taller woman.

"You're going to do what?! Taylor—,"

"I really need to. I can't keep it to myself any longer. Every time we hang out, I just want to grab her hand or hold her or kiss her and I'm just—I'm really desperate here. I need to tell her how I feel, Sel."

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