Stand By Me ; Chapter 12

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Karlie still remembered the first day she had fallen in love with Margaret. It had all felt like opening her eyes for the very first time, seeing clearly the world that was around her.

Margaret was three years older than her. Her dark skin was smooth and always seemed to shine under the rays of the blinding sun. Her obsidian eyes were the window to her soul, and they were never not filled with whatever went through her mind. Her frizzy raven hair were always so wild, and they reminded Karlie of summer days spent driving along the east coast, wind blowing and the hot weather bathing their skin. She remembered the long years spent calling each other nothing more than best friends. She remembered the sleepovers, the countless nights spent gazing at the sky full of stars. She remembered the first time they had kissed, right in front of Margaret's porch. She remembered the feeling of her giggle against her lips, the way it had left her heart yearning for more. She remembered all the good times; the cuddling sessions, the days when they took care of each other if one of them was sick with the cold, the impromptu road trips. What she had loved the most about Margaret was her carefree demeanor. The impulses that had woken her up many times. Margaret was everything Taylor wasn't; wild, careless, spontaneous. Taylor was rational, calculated, a woman who liked to plan everything. But Margaret was something that Taylor wasn't: dead. Taylor was alive, in front of her, ready to make her feel something that she had found herself craving during the past years of her life. Karlie missed being intimate with someone; the lingering touches, the little gestures, the fluttering kisses. She had gotten a taste of that intimacy a week ago, when Taylor had collided the space that had been dividing them and had kissed her so passionately, with so many emotions that had left her head spinning. Karlie still felt the feeling of Taylor's hot cheek under her fingertips, how her jaw had moved as she had managed to steal her breath away with only a simple, open mouthed kiss.

Karlie couldn't deny it; her heart wanted more. During their days apart, she had wished several times for them to be together, an invisible string constantly pulling her towards Taylor.

And yet, it felt like she was cheating on Margaret. It had felt like she was doing something wrong, even though all of her body had screamed at her that kissing Taylor back had been the right thing to do.

One week had passed since that night, when her lungs had breathed in for the first time since Margaret's death. She and the baker messaged daily, but she still felt guilty whenever she noticed how cordial and distant Taylor seemed with her words.

"What's up with you lately? You've been absent the whole afternoon."

The only person that could help her in a situation like this was the one and only, Cara Delevingne. They had met at a bakery in West Village, near Karlie's place, and the veterinarian had tried to forget about both Taylor and Margaret. The ghost of two people haunting her mind since that fateful night.

"Do you remember Taylor?" she said, her spoon forming circles inside the cup of her hot chocolate. She then took a sip, and glanced tentatively at the other woman.

"The girl that looks like a princess? Yeah, I remember her. Why?"

Cara wiggled her eyebrows at her, and Karlie couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Well, we—went on a date last week. But, well—she kissed me at the end of the night and I freaked out—,"

"What?!" Cara's scream had the people around them bug their eyes at them. Karlie shushed her with blushing cheeks, and ducked her head. "You freaked out? Why?!"

"I just—it's been four years!" she had said the same thing to Taylor, but only now does she realize how lame does that sound. Cara scoffed and leaned in.

"Yeah, well—I understand, but isn't she, like, worth a shot? I don't know, she seems like a pretty great person. Head on her shoulders and everything."

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