Amaryllis almost throw the book to another room when she recognized the owl. "Hedwig!" She quickly opened the window and let hedwig climb to her arms. It's Harry Potter's owl.

"I am very sorry Hedwig that you have to go to such long journey. I told Harry not to send you. He will totally be doomed when I get back" she said putting the owl in her study table and then untying the multiple rolled parchments on her foot.

She was about to unroll the parchment when she heard the loudest voice in that house. Mrs. Macgready. "Go boy!" She yelled. Being the nosy Amaryllis is, she peeked from her window and saw the old helper of the house getting herself ready to get on in a horse with a cart like carriage at the back.

Amaryllis remembered that there are four children coming today. She has no idea why and if they are like her. A witch. But, she is estatic to finally have some people her age in that house. She thinks she might get a  formality allergy for having to talk to everyone there in formal and respectable ways. Although she has been known for getting into the housekeeper's nerve, she never done anything that disrespect Mrs Macgready.

"Mrs Macready! Where are you off to? Are the Pevensies here already?" Amaryllis shouted at the housekeeper.

"They are. I am so done with you, now we have more children," she replied with disgust and went off. Amaryllis laughed as she closes her room's window

She walked over her bed and started unrolling the parchment which turned out to be very long.

Dear Amy,

I know you told us not to write, but I just cannot help it. This is Hermione by the way, I borrowed hedwig since you know...I do not have an owl.

Anyway, I hope you're doing well. New semester is just around the corner and I cannot imagine attending it without you. But it is for your safety. I've been doing some research about your condition, and I haven't got anything that actually helped but I promised to help you try to find what it is.

As for us, we are currently in padfoot's place. Harry got into trouble performing a patronus charm during a dementors attack in muggle world, and since he's underage the ministry called for a hearing wether he should be expelled or not. But don't worry I guess Dumbledore found a way to somehow help Harry. I don't know what it is exactly since Harry doesn't talk about it that much.

It is pretty much still in chaos here after what happened in the triwizard tournament. The ministry still does not believe Harry nor Dumbledore about you-know-who making these absurd accusations about how they both are going insane. I am most concerned with Harry, he seemed... off, I don't know how to explain it but something is bothering him. Maybe about the things I just said or something else.

But you don't need to worry, we pretty much could handle it. I hope you find your stay there comfortable. I'll write to you again if I can.

Ron and Harry said hi. We missed you already. Hope you write back. I'm pretty sure letters are safe. Hoping to see you soon.


Amaryllis sighed. Touched by the thoughtfulness of the letter knowing she isn't really as known as the trio, but they treat her as if she is one of them. Lets put it this way, the trio were known for doing something stupid and smart each year, lets say Amaryllis is part of them but not really she only plays minor role in them like giving them informations and such but never really done something that put her life at stake.

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