Please Read!!

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Hi everyone! Obviously this isn't an update, but please please read this. Thank you.

Unless you are living under a rock, you know what's going on in the world. With COVID-19 (Coronavirus) all around us, most schools and universities are going to be closing down and moving online. I hope everyone is safe and feeling well and wish you all the best. Please stay safe and do what you need to do to stay healthy.

This story is going to be ending soon (with the next chapter) and that of course sucks, but I want to provide you with something to read while you guys are inside and away from the world for precautionary measures. Of course this can be me blowing things out of proportions, but I really do not know how everything is effecting every single person who reads this story. So with that being said, I am going to be posting little bonus content that I was debating on posting to just give you something to brighten you day, or maybe something to distract you.

In my area, there has been two confirmed cases of COVID-19 (that we know of). It's almost certain it is going to spread even more since my area is sandwiched between three areas with a lot of cases. I do not know what's going on your end (both in the states and abroad). If you want to, please comment on this section about what's going on or feel free to message me about it. I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Please just stay safe, don't touch your face, and wash your hands. I know that's what everyone is saying, but unless you are in a country with universal healthcare or in a country that is taking everything seriously, I can't really tell you to do more. Oh-don't buy all the toilet paper. There you go.

Also, for my American readers who are 18+, do not forget to vote. Under 18, pre-register. Yes, you can do that. Your vote matters. If you do not vote because you "don't feel like it" don't complain about issues later on. I know I'm nagging at you guys, but someone has to tell you because younger people aren't showing up at the polls. Be the change you want to see in the world.

So you've made it to end. Why don't we have a friendly little discussion?

•On this section, comment what your favorite part of this whole story. I really want to know.

•Tell what part you hated, if you hated any. Or maybe a part you cringed at.

•On this one, let me know if you listened or have listened to any of the songs that were titles of various chapters.

•And on this one, say how you think this is all going to end. Go into detail, or don't. I want to see.

Thank you all for reading.



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