Chapter 1: To Catch A Sidekick

Start from the beginning

Covered in a haze of blinding light was the silhouette of Captain Kilowatt's first ever sidekick.

Fuse couldn't wait to meet him again.

"And we're back with our exclusive telephone interview with the one and only Captain Kilowatt! Miss Kilowatt, I think it's about time I ask the question that's been on everyone's mind since last week's squabble with Repulser!"

Fuse scoffed as he peeled a carrot with as much aggression as he could muster. "Yeah, it's not like I've been watching your show to look at your great hair, Lucille."

"I don't know, Lucy, I think we oughtta make 'em squirm a bit more." The voice of Captain Kilowatt rang through the tiny kitchen, making Fuse want to snap the carrot he peeled.

"Hahaha! Oh, Captain Kilowatt, you're so funny!"

"Ugh, Lucille, can you not flirt on-air?" Fuse grumbled, moving on to the next carrot on the counter. "I mean, I'm flattered in a way because it feels like you're flirting with me but I'm underage."

"So, Captain Kilowatt, the tabloids have been going crazy for information. I have to say, I have been too. Seeing you defeat Repulser so easily these past few weeks has been incredibly entertaining."

"Hey, she defeated me too! She defeated me more, in fact!" Fuse exclaimed, aiming his peeler at the small television screen threateningly. In the weeks since Captain Kilowatt had gotten herself a sidekick, Fuse definitely felt he was getting beaten up more frequently than required. The news didn't seem to take notice of it, though. He endured even if he was getting no recognition because he knew it was all part of his mother's master plan.

He just wasn't exactly sure what the plan was. More so why it required him to get blasted off his feet by a stream of water so often.

Captain Kilowatt's laughter brought him back to reality where he had whittled a good chunk out of a perfectly good carrot. He wiped his hands on his apron before shooting a glare at the screen in the corner.

"Your fault. You owe me a carrot."

Kilowatt carried on as though she hadn't heard him. "-can't take all the credit, Lucy."

"That's right! So, Captain Kilowatt, tell us... Just who is your mysterious new sidekick?"

Fuse leaned closer to the screen eagerly. "Yeah, tell us, Kilowatt."

"Well, first of all he's a he. I've seen some speculation that he's a girl so-"

"I already knew that, tell me something new!" Fuse exclaimed, propping an elbow against the counter.

"-he's a hydrokinetic and he's quite powerful-"

"Kilowatt, you're gonna make me short circuit." He deadpanned. "He's shot me off buildings enough to know that."

"-but of course, I'm sure everyone wants to know his name."

Fuse perked up instantly. "Yes, please!"

"That's what the fans are dying to know, Captain! Can I call you Captain?"

"She prefers Kilowatt." Fuse rolled his eyes. "Don't get off track!"

"I prefer Kilowatt." Kilowatt repeated.

"Yes, of course. So, Kilowatt, just what is your first ever sidekick's name?"

Fuse grabbed the sides of the television, leaning forward in anticipation. "What's his name?" He whispered, chewing on his lip in excitement.

"His name... Haha, it kind of sucks that I have to spoil all the fun and tell you."

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