Chapter Nine: Betrayal

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I didn't know what to do, should I bring it up to them when they are both sober? For now, I would just stay silent. I walked back into the main room, Eve and Junsu have both passed out and are sleeping on the floor.

Seungmin looks sad so I decide to approach him, "What's wrong?" I giggled, he started humming a song I don't recognize, "Dance with me? I feel awesome right now" He smiles brightly and laughs. After all of the chaos that has come about tonight, I might as well "You know what, sure. Let's dance" I laugh.

I don't even know what kind of dancing this is, at first we are just moving about in a random array, now we are doing some fast form of the waltz. Seungmin starts singing a random song and does the dip with me. I stand up and smile at him.

I don't know why but I lean in and kiss Seungmin's cheek only to feel instantly awkward following this action. I step back and both of our faces redden.


I wake up to a shrill scream, I jump up and realize I was hugging Seungmin in my sleep. "Seungmin!" I yell "Wha-What?" He groans, obviously feeling the effects of last night. "I heard a scream!"We both rushed into the main room, my jaw dropped at the sight before me.

Eve, Olivia, Sophia, Liam and Junsu were all huddled in the middle of the room on their knees, there was a group of men surrounding them displaying knives, then I noticed something. The main leader of the group of cannibals Seungmin and I saw at the town was here - and so was Noah.

As Seungmin and I walk in Noah's smile widens, all eyes are on us now. "What the hell?!" I scream.

I try to go up to our group in an attempt to get them up and away from the crazed cannibals. A random guy comes up to me and shows me his knife, not looking afraid whatsoever to use it. Seungmin pulls me back by my arm.

"What's going on?" Seungmin questions Noah sternly. "We're going to play a little game," Noah laughs evilly. "Rina here is going to answer questions if she does not answer we are going to cut each of your limbs off and eat them" Noah laughs psychotically with his left eye twitching.

Noah grabs me by my arm, the knife in his other hand. "Why are you doing this?" I ask blankly. His face becomes stern, "You took my power away from me, I had so much power controlling these idiots - only to have you come in and take it away from me. You toy with Seungmin and Liam making them follow you like lost puppies!" He seethes. "I was getting angrier and angrier, then you exiled me - ME! HA! I knew I had to do something. I burned your cabins down to the ground. I wanted to kill you and that stupid cat you obsess over! I brought that herd of zombies here" He laughs.

I look around for Sammy, he is trapped in the middle, and Sophia is holding him and stroking him to be calm. "You killed him. You fucking murdered him!" Liam screams, "That little brat had it coming to him, he never used to comply with my orders" Noah growls. Noah murdered George, a twelve-year-old child.

Liam lunges for me before he can get to him, some random guy with red hair pushes him back and knocks him out cold.

"You're doing all of this for power?" I state I look around at everyone Sophia is in tears, Olivia can't stop shaking. Junsu looks utterly heartbroken.

"I no longer need power over you! I went to find those cannibals you were talking about, I found them and they welcomed me. Said they'd help me get revenge - they gave me all the power I want and more." He replies.

"Get on with it!" The old leader guy barks.

"Rina! Tell me, what is Olivia's biggest secret?" Noah grins. I look at Olivia and she looks alarmed as if she doesn't know how much I know, "I-I.." Some guy walks behind Olivia and pulls her arm ready to cut her arm off. She stares at me wide-eyed.

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