Chapter Twenty-Eight- Confidence

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I stretched my arms, sitting up in the bed. Jensen's arms fell from around me, and I snuck out of the bed, grabbing his robe on the way out.

The robe mildly dragged behind me, and I hummed quietly as I meandered through the house, admiring everything.

The phone rang, startling me. I picked it up and answered the call.


"Where did you go? I'm cold. Come back," The groggy voice on the other end answered.

"I'm trying to find the kitchen," I sighed. "This house is too big,"

"In my defense, I was excited because I could afford it. Where are you now?"

"Uhh... A hallway..." I leaned, looking around the corner. "Connected to the livingroom,"

"Just go straight, pass a few rooms, and turn left," He informed me, still sounding quite tired. "You clearly didn't look very hard,"

"Looks like I'm only making breakfast for one, sir," I laughed, and hung up the phone.

I briskly walked to the kitchen, and looked in the cupboards to see what he had lying around. Footsteps gradually grew closer and suddenly I was lifted into the air.

"You haven't figured out what to make yet?" He smirked, with a blanket wrapped around his waist. "And you stole my robe!"

"My robe now!" I stuck out my tongue.

"How are you feeling?" He asked. "You kept mumbling and thrashing in your sleep. You good?"

"Oh yeah. Apparently I do that a lot," I laughed, and grabbed some flour. "Today I'm going to try and figure out how to make pancakes I guess..."

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