NSFW!!Chapter Twenty-Seven - Tight

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I examined the outfit, if you could call it that, in the mirror. The strap that ran between my legs was rubbing against me, making me excited even before I showed him.

I looked in the mirror one more time before heading out.

Look at you. You're overweight. You have an ugly birthmark. He's going to kick you out if he sees you like this.

I shook the voice out of my head. I trusted him.

I peered around the corner into his bedroom.

"Could... could you close your eyes please..." I was nervous still, but I believed in myself.

"If you say so," He closed his eyes.

I walked in, the soft carpet under my feet relaxing me somehow.

"You can open your eyes now..." I mumbled, standing in front of him.

As soon as his eyes opened, I could feel them looking over every inch of my skin, and the hair on the back of my neck stood up.

"All wrapped up. Its not even my Birthday yet, Jenn," He smirked. My face heated up quickly.

"Jensen... Can I be honest with you?" I looked into his eyes.

"Of course princess,"

"I've never done this before..." I looked ashamed.

"Then I'll make this the most incredible night of your life," His eyes traced my body, one hand on my hip and the other on my face.

He quickly lifted me and placed me on the bed, swift but gentle, and I could feel a tingling sensation as my excitement grew.

Jensen pressed his lips into mine, and gently cupped my breasts, rubbing them carefully, then slowly began kissing down my collar bone.

His mouth moved over to my left breast, and he nibbled on my nipple, while his hand explored lower down.

"Are you sure this is your first time? You're already so wet," He snickered, gently sliding a single finger inside of me, watching my face contort into one of pleasure. He removed his finger and licked it, then moved his face down, sliding the strap over, and licking me, while I grabbed his hair roughly and pulled him closer.

"Are you ready?" He asked, looking at me. "Be honest. Please,"

"I... yes. Thank you Jensen," I smiled, and he pulled off his bottoms.

He slowly slid his dick into me, and pumped in and out, watching me closely.

~Time skip brought to you by the fact that I can't write smut~

He pulled me in close, after helping me take the strappy thing off, and gently traced his fingers over my birthmark.

"It suits you," He hummed in my ear, as he slowly fell asleep.

"Thank you,"

A/N: Sorry that took so long! I'm bad at writing nsfw stuff :(. I hope its okay. I'll try to write more soon!!

Accidentally FamousTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon