Chapter Twenty-Two - Sob

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I gently fluttered my eyelashes open, though it most likely looked like aggressive blinking.

As soon as I realized I was in the hospital I panicked.

I quickly pinched myself to make sure I wasn't having another nightmare. Jensen was standing beside the bed looking very worried.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his hand resting on my arm.

"What would be the correct answer to that?" I asked, both genuinely and teasing.

"Jenn," He sighed, as my eyes landed where his arms were placed. "Just be honest. I was so scared..."

"Oh you, I'm fine," I reassured him, rotating my arm so my cuts, thin but in a large, long group, so he hopefully wouldn't notice. "I swear it,"

"Why did you-" Jensen swiftly grabbed my arm, holding the wrist gently, but firm enough that I couldn't move. "Oh Jenn," Fear flashed in my head as I remembered the nightmare I had, and I tried to jerk free of his grasp.

I closed my eyes, preparing for a bad reaction, but opened my eyes in shock when I realised what exactly he was doing.

He pressed his lips gently against every individual scar, and the few that remained scabs, and looked at me solemnly.

"I understand, I do, but... Please try not to. I know, sometimes you can't stop yourself. Just please try," He looked so pitiful, standing beside me on the hospital bed, his eyes almost teary and his voice begging. "Talk to me, or come snuggle, I can order you some food. Please just try your hardest not to. I love you so much already and I don't think I could live through losing you."


I love y'all as much as Jensen loves Jennifer. I'm glad you're enjoying the story. (Or I hope you are if you made it this far.)

Any kind words or ideas I could put in can really help me update sooner.

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