Chapter Seven - Food poisoning

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Lizzie was planning on having a friend over today. Olive. I've never met her officially. Lizzie is pretty much friends with everyone she meets, because of her bubbly personality. As I sipped some freshly made green tea, I heard Lizzie open the door and let someone in.

Unlike Lizzie, I was not hanging out with anyone. I was sick from food poisoning, and trying to help my stomach with some green tea and honey, as my mum had always told me to do. After Lizzie had ended the call with Jensen, who I still can't believe actually called in the first place, but before bed, I made some chicken that was in the fridge. Lizzie ate it all and was fine and I only had a bit after realizing it was not fully cooked. So, now I'm in bed feeling miserable and occasionally puking. What a way to spend a day. I guess the portion Lizzie had gotten was fully cooked, since she was fine and if anything, more social than ever.

As my eyes began to close, because I was quite tired, my phone started going off. I picked it up and answered.

"Hey," I heard Jensen say.

"Hi..." I responded, miserably.

"Are you okay, Jennifer? No offense, but you sound utterly awful," He laughed a little.

"No offense taken. I always sound utterly awful. But I think I've got food poisoning. Didn't cook my chicken enough," I explained. "Lizzie is magically fine though, which confuses me because she ate more..."

"Do you need anything? I can't have my new friend getting sick," He asked, laughing a little with the last sentence.

"Friend..?" I softly mumbled, the word sounding so unfamiliar in my head.

"I suppose, I mean, if you don't mind, then yeah, friend," He told me, kindly. I could hear him smiling over the phone.

"Anyways, friend, I wouldn't want to bother you, and don't you have to film today?" I asked. As a big fan, I was familiar with how busy actors could be.

"Oh! No. Not today. Tomorrow though. And I wouldn't mind. It's my pleasure," He said in a fancy accent. I laughed a little and then started coughing.

"Okay... I might need some medicine," I sighed. "I'll text you my address or something... Just walk right in..."

He hung up and then I quickly texted the address so I could try and get some rest before he showed up.

About an hour later, I heard, what I assumed to be Olive, screaming.

"WHYISJENSENHEREWHATTT" Were her exact words. I heard Jensen and Lizzie laugh, then Jensen ask where I was. Lizzie directed him to our bedroom quickly and then left us alone.

As I turned to look at Jensen, I realized I was just wearing a tank top and underwear, plus my hair was a mess. Jensen looked like he was going to laugh but was holding it in.

"That's a lot of meds. I hope you're not trying to make me a druggie," I laughed at the large bag he was holding.

"Actually... There's also some Ginger Ale and a sandwich in there too," He said awkwardly, with a sort of half smile.

"What kind of sandwich!?" I asked as my eyes widened in excitement. He sat on the bed next to me, and pulled out a beautiful ham sandwich.

"Ham," He told me, and I snatched it from his hands, devouring it.

"Oh, crap, am I gonna have to pay you?" I questioned him. "I have to pay rent... But I could get a loan..."

"No, you don't have to pay me, I just felt like being nice. You don't owe me anything. And I don't think sandwiches are expensive enough to warrant a loan." He smiled at me.

"Thank you, a bunch, Jensen," I yawned.


"Careful, I might hold you to that," I laughed.

"I'm hoping so,"

"Also, sorry I had no time to clean up the house, or myself..." I sighed. "If I had planned to invite you over you wouldn't even know I normally live like this," I laughed. "And sorry about Lizzies friend. I forgot she was here to be honest. I was just thinking about you... SHOWING UP!" I quickly fixed my sentence.

"If you say so, Jen,"

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