Chapter Twenty-Three - Both

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Everything has been so stressful lately.

I've been to the hospital once, two if you could my weird dream, I got kicked out of my apartment, blamed for it, I've moved into Jensens house without any of my belongings because apparently when I called Natalie she told me Lizzie had thrown it all out, I met Jensens ex...

I sighed, staring at this beautiful man in front of me. Even going through all this trouble, it still almost feels like a dream, or a story. How could this be real? It's like a little village girl marrying a king. Not impossible, I suppose, but unlikely.

"What are you thinking about?" His soft voice pulled me from my thoughts.

"Just about how crazy this all is. You and me... I could have never imagined..." I drifted off, thinking more.

"Image how much crazier it would be if you were my wife. Would that be crazy?" He asked. He was clearly thinking as well.

I folded my legs up, wrapping my arms around them. "In a sense, I suppose it would be. But crazy is good," I rested my chin on my knees and looked at him, as he grinned.

"I'm going to marry you one day, Jennifer. I promise that," His eyes sparkles. "It's gonna be you, and me. Maybe a kid, or a dog. Both?"

"Both sounds nice," I smiled back. "I would love both, with you."

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