Chapter 13 - Friday the 13th

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 Jasmine enveloped the note after rereading it a few times, making sure it was fine, and then placed it under the bed along with the other two gifts for Jason.

"If I didn't celebrate my birthday for a long time and then a year, suddenly, a stranger gave me a random gift, for no reason, I would be happy." She said to Finn, who kept her company sitting in his dog's bed. "It would be a nice gesture."

Of course, she was still very convinced that she wanted to proceed, but she was no less worried about it.

She still had about three hours before midnight, so she went back to his father's office to play on the PC with her friends to pass the time.

It was nearly eleven when Jason left his house. He crossed the old Camp Blood quickly, then went into the thick the forest. For an ordinary person, the dim light of the moon that shone in the sky that night would not have been enough to proceed in an unkempt area like that, not with as much safety as he did.

Jason, however, did not need much light to see well, that soft glow was enough for him to recognize the path, not marked but that he knew by heart, without tripping or colliding with the vegetation.

After a short time he arrived again in front of the hotel, observing the area from the edge of the forest. There seemed to be no one around, or at least not outside. Jason would leave the staff and any other customers alone. After all, they had done nothing wrong, but if they had put themselves in his way they would not have been spared.

He waited for no cars to pass by the road, because he didn't want to be seen, but certainly not for fear of being run over, then he crossed and hurried to reach the back of the hotel.

As it was a weekday, there weren't many people around: summer had just begun and the only people who could have been out at that time were the youngs. But as it was also the eve of June the 13th, which finally coincided again with a Friday, only the young tourists and a few adults who still had no intention of believing the rumors were out to party.

Everyone else had learned that it was best to stay calm in your own houses during that time, at least in the dark hours.

Jason should have been silent, so as not to wake and alarm the sleepers, and not only them, with any screams: he had no intention of missing any of those who had been to the cemetery.

Without waiting any longer, the killer entered the building through the back door. Forcing it did not cost him much effort. If he remembered correctly he had never been to that hotel. To be honest, he had never been inside any hotel, perhaps only once, but he was still too small for him to remember it clearly. He found himself in the kitchen, an ideal place to look for some sharp object. He took a brief look around and finally chose to get a large kitchen knife. Those he had brought from his home were mostly hunting knives and, given the size of his hands, he considered them too small, comfortable only if he had to throw them. He left the kitchen and entered the dining room and from there he reached the corridor, illuminated by lamps with soft yellow light, which led to the hall. The doors that faced it were not numbered, but next to each of them there was a sign with the inscription "Access reserved to staff members only", a sign that none of those rooms was for customers. As a result, he was not interested and passed them without a further look.

The reception was empty, as apparently the rest of the structure: probably the work shifts were already over. Jason went directly to check the row of keys hanging behind the counter. Almost all of them were in their spots and only four were missing, so it would have been enough for him to check those rooms and then wait for the return of the missing people - the younger ones certainly, Jason was absolutely sure of it.

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