Chapter 6 - Shopping and kills

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Jason hid as soon as he heard the voice of the girl's mother. He listened to their conversation and just then went back to his home.

He showed himself to Jasmine just because he wanted to know how the girl would react. And he ended once again surprised. Not only she said nothing about him to her mother - again - but she didn't even shout or ran away. Instead she had greeted him! She didn't seem too frightened to him, but he had seen that her hand trembled visibly, so he still got what he wanted. The girl had to know for sure that he was there and that only one little misstep was enough to make him snap.

He was quite intrigued by her. It had never happened to him to pay so much attention to one of his victims. Because Jason was sure that sooner or later she would become just another soul sacrificed to his mother.

It was 7 a.m. when Jasmine got into the kitchen, finding her mother and father ready to go out and start their day. Anna had prepared her the breakfast and advised her to be careful if she wanted to left the house, then went out with Robert. Jasmine didn't want to worry her mother again, so in front of her she had not shown herself tired for the sleepless night. She drank her cup of cold chocolate milk and then went to get ready to go out, trying not to think about the night before. She didn't wanted to waste too much time. The bruises on her leg were even darker than the previous day, so she mentally cursed her delicate skin and went to change. She put on a pair of gray leggings, white sneakers, and a white t-shirt with a black origami cat. She locked the door and picked up her bicycle from the garage, attaching Finn's leash at the handlebars. She would not have left him at home all alone obviously.

 She would not have left him at home all alone obviously

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She arrived without problems in the town, and was able to quickly see almost all of it. She had seen that many stores sold gadgets of the Friday the 13th saga and souvenirs of the city with the same theme. They seemed almost proud of Jason's many kills. It was in front of one of those shops that she saw a very particular scene.

Mike, the young police officer son of the sheriff, was harshly scolding a man, surrounded by a group of people that you could immediately tell were tourists. The girl approached slightly to hear better, stopping at a nearby fountain to let Finn drink.

From what she could understand, that man -in the summer period- always tried to arrange guided tours to the old Camp Crystal Lake for tourists to supplement his earnings. Jasmine wasn't very surprised about it. She had suspected that someone might try that. People can do anything for the money, right?

In the end, Mike moved away all of them, bringing the man back in the store. "My father won't be happy to know that you've tried this again. Wait for his visit."

Only then the guy saw her. He greeted her with a smile and a movement of his hand and approached her.

"Hi. Jasmine, right?" He said.

"Hello. Yes, you are Mike if I remember well."

"Exactly. I'm sorry you had to...uhm...attend this scene. I assure you I'm much kinder usually." He smiled at her, a bit embarrassed, scratching the back of his head.

Jasmine exhibited one of her smiles of circumstance, trying to be as natural as possible. New people, especially when of her age, made her nervous at first.

"No problem. You did your job. Has he ever been able to bring someone to the camp?" She asked with fake indifference. In fact she was really curious to know more. Maybe she could take advantage of this opportunity and have some more information from this guy.

"Actually no, we've always been able to stop him before someone got hurt."

"I see... so tell me a little more. Are all the stories that are running around true?"

"About Jason? Some are fairly true, others are completely invented. But there is no evidence that he exists if that's what you want to know. In short, I've never seen him and I've been here for all my life."

Instead, she had seen him, and also very well, even tho she was there since just a few days.

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