Chapter 12 (Part Two) - Preparations

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Jason was quick to retrace his steps and reach Jasmine's house. He was very surprised when, arrived in its vicinity, he began to hear music coming from inside. She too was like everyone else then, he found himself thinking. The music was not set at a volume too high as teens usually did, but it was one where the singers screamed in anger. He just couldn't stand them. Why did they have to shout so much?

Going to the back of the house, the sound grew louder until he saw the kitchen window open and the girl doing something right there. Before she could notice his presence, he lurked behind the vegetation. This time he really didn't want to be discovered.

It seemed to him, from her movements and the objects she handled, that she was preparing some kind of dessert. It was confirmed when she started using an electric mixer - his mother too used it when making desserts - combining its sound with the annoying music. Now that was starting to really get really on his nerves: he hated loud noises, unless it was he who caused them, such as the screams of his victims or those of the "tools" that he happened to use from time to time. He liked the silence a lot, it soothed him. And it also calmed his mother, it meant that there was no intruder around that had to be eliminated.

And as like she was called into question, Pamela's voice returned to be heard, urging him to kill again. "Remember what they did to us, Jason. Everyone must die." And Jason absolutely agreed with her. But on the other hand he was still a big boy for certain things and after a long time spent in solitude the prospect of receiving a surprise for his birthday was too tempting. Surely his mother wouldn't have taken it too badly if the girl had to live one more day and he was ready to wait and endure the time that had to pass until then.

Jasmine, again totally unaware of the presence that was watching her, continued to cook quietly and at some point she began to hum the song. She loved the songs of that group, they always managed to cheer her up, to give he the right rhythm while she did what she had to. Or in other cases they had the opposite effect but perfectly reflected her mood. Her voice was very different from the singer's one and she certainly wasn't screaming. Being completely sure that nobody was listening to her, she didn't even bother to start singing in a low voice. She didn't like singing in front of others, even though her friends and parents had told her several times that she had a beautiful voice, but if she was alone she didn't have a problem with it. She just didn't like having all the attention on her.

Listening to "The vengeful one" she found herself thinking that the song was almost perfect for Jason, it reminded of him a lot. The title was pretty self-explanatory.

"Hear the innocent voices scream as their tormentor laugh through all of it. No forgiveness from all I've seen."

Jason wanted revenge and the lyrics of the song mirrored what he did and what happened to his victims. If they could, they screamed, but Jason is not a guy who forgives those who enter his territory. He had gone to another city to kill the girl who beheaded his mother; he was able to do even worse as far as Jasmine knew. According to the films, he had also gone to Manhattan once.

"So sleep soundly in your beds tonight, for judgement falls upon you at first light."

Jason certainly wasn't waiting for sunrise to strike, but the girl found that phrase somewhat suggestive, as well as a piece that arrived shortly after.

"When you'll die you'll know why, for you cannot be saved, this world is too depraved."

Who knows, maybe even Pamela would have liked that song, or at least its lyrics.

The Crystal Lake killer had started to pay more attention to the words of that song as soon as the girl started singing. His ears were no longer intact as they once were, and one had never been completely normal, but he could hear very well indeed. Enough to recognize that she had a beautiful voice, which could make even those unbearable songs more pleasant. He realized he agreed with what she was saying, although he hadn't understood some parts very well.

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