Chapter 20 - Choices

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"Fuck." She swore shocked, not seeing the curse coming out loud from her. Jasmine didn't know how to take this new information. The fact that Jason had stayed with her for so long without her waking up was creepy to say the least. And the massacre that he had recently finished carrying out certainly did not sweeten the pill.

But it had to be said that everyone was fine, everything in the house was in order - except for the cameras of course - and she had her necklace back. Jason was probably just curious, after all it wasn't like everyone did what she had done, and maybe he wanted to observe her more closely without her running away like the other day at the lake.

Jasmine remained a few minutes staring at the screen, still fixed on the frame of Jason walking away, considering what to do. She had decided not to delete the videos, as the system would do it automatically, but to save them anyway just in case. She then added the latest ones she had viewed to those already downloaded to her hard drive.

Now she had to understand whether to tell everything to her parents or not, reconsidering all she did for the umpteenth time. If she had talked to her mother and father, accusations that she was putting everyone in danger would surely come up. And while that was not her intention at all, she couldn't blame them for being worried either. But if she confessed everything to them, or at least that she had evidence of Jason's existence, their worry would turn to fear, and that would surely lead them to call the police, and surely Jason wouldn't appreciate it. As long as the police actually decided to listen to them and not take them for just influenced by the whole situation.

Jasmine couldn't help but think about what Mike's reaction might be if it got discovered that she had armed Jason, had kept quiet about his sightings and especially about the "disappearance" of the two girls. She witnessed a double murder and she hadn't told anyone, and it was devouring her from the inside out. A lot of people had died, who, despite having made a mistake, did not deserve that end. Reality is very different from fantasy. The headache increased again. "Shit" she muttered, her second frustrated swear taking her by surprise as she again didn't expect it coming out.

She wasn't proud of it at all, but she had promised her parents that she would have caused no problems, and having to give such a testimony within days of their move to the city would surely create some of them.

She got up and, continuing to brood, she began to wander nervously around all the first floor. Finn followed her for a while, worried, but then seeing that she didn't stop or do anything else, he went back to lie down on the sofa.

"No, I can't tell them anything. If they were to call the cops, and they come to check around, Jason might see them as a nuisance, maybe someone might get killed and that would be - for real this time - my fault. No, they don't have to know anything about this story, they already suspect too much." This was the conclusion she came to, but she didn't stop walking. "But maybe I should at least tell my friends, just to be on the safe side. They already know more than my parents do and we all think the same things about Jason. I'm sure they will understand...or at least I hope so. "

Finally she decided to stop and sit in the armchair. Finn had sprawled himself on his back on the couch and she didn't want to disturb him, although she would have gladly laid down too. "Yes, I'll tell the guys everything, if something happens at least someone knows already."

After a few more minutes, she went to the bathroom to take a pill for her headache, then to the kitchen to swallow it with a glass of orange juice and, before going to her room to wait for its effect, to the study to get the hard-disk with the videos and rearrange everything as if she had never been there. Once in her room, she couldn't help but look out the window and check the surroundings again, but without noticing anything important. She then took off her shoes and laid down on her bed, with all her clothes still on and without moving the blankets away. It wasn't long before she fell asleep.

Welcome to Crystal Lake (ENG)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora