Arc One Ch. 36

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"Hand it over." She ordered harshly to another unseen as a hand briefly appeared giving her the item that'd been requested.
Long sharp nails dug harshly into the skin around her jaw. "Be a good whelp and drink this for me."
Pressing her lips together Kira turns her away head away in resistance. A sharp nail digs further into her skin but the female wolf is careful not to break the skin. "Drink it and you can go home." The female wolf says in a tempting manner.

She makes a show of weighing out her options before accepting the drink. It goes down smooth and at first has no noticeable effect. Relaxing the tension in her body the female wolf gave a dark chuckle as she left. "That is if you can make it." She leaves as one last taunt.

Pulling herself into a sitting position she calmly opens up the system panel that monitors her vitals, humming at the changes happening rapidly in her body. Looking towards the door Kira gives it a vicious smile.
Standing beside the door Kira waits until a sound of something heavy is moved. The door opens revealing a copy of her standing there in an outfit appropriate for a party. "You know what to do?" She asked again as her thoughts became hazy. "Good and make sure to give them all a good show to watch." The other her just silently nods another affirmation.

Mina watched as the next match had begun right away. A youth with black curly hair transformed into a smaller than average wolf. Baring his teeth in a threatening manner he growled low at his opponent. The gathered crowd cheered seeing the wolf.
The Blue Valley pack members glared at the wolf in the ring as one of their own entered as a human. The young wolf pounced at the other man, using the force of his unexpected weight to knock the opponent down. A look of surprise colored the man's face seeing the wolf's maw coming down to snap at his neck.

The referee presiding over the match came forward and swiftly ended it as the young wolf had drawn first blood, winning the match.
Marcus ignored Mina as many of the Blue Valley pack members started to complain. He came forward trying to keep the other's peaceful as other had perceived this as an attack.

"That's an unfair ruling!" Someone in the crowd called causing the other to voice their agreement.
The referee simply looked at them as if unable to understand how so many didn't know the rules. He reiterated a set of rules currently being used since at times special matches might use a different set.

Marcus frowned but didn't argue with the referee like others had wanted to do. He forced everyone back to their place after finding out that using the wolf form wasn't against the rules it just made winning more difficult. As for Sam who won, the young wolf in question regularly used this tactic but didn't always win.
The matches started up once more as a young female wearing a snarl on her face. Another female who appeared to be slightly older came out next with a smug smile on her face.

Marcus lost focus on the fight feeling someone tug on his arm. Since Mina has been latched onto his right since early in the evening it caught his full attention. Glancing down the sight of a familiar figure entered his eyes and excited him. For the last few days he hadn't seen Kira properly.
She glanced up at him with a pitiful expression. While the teary pair of eyes looking up at him, pained his heart. "What is the matter?" The question was asked in a low voice.

She opened her mouth then closed it and looked down at the hands which were tightly clutching his free hand.
"Everything will be okay." He gently whispered to her while pulling away his hand from Mina to place on her thin shaking shoulder.

Those watching the match from the opposite side got a clear view of this and started whispering. Many knew about her feelings for Marcus since most of the single and unattached female population had their eye on him from the beginning. There had been rumors going around on exactly who had caught his interest, as none could capture his attention for very long.
Mina blinked in surprise seeing him so suddenly pull away from her grip. She felt the stares on the back of her neck as she caught whispers about it being obvious that even she'd ended up just like them. A few whispers she caught even mentioned them finding that Marcus and Kira made a cute couple. Mina felt that those saying so were only trying to spite her as they didn't have a chance to begin with in catching Marcus's attention.

Still those who'd been whispering on the unfolding drama hadn't expected Mina to so forcefully attack the little elder pup. She fell to the ground and curled up into a ball while keeping a hold of the cover hiding most of her body from view.
Marcus angrily glared up at Mina as he picked up Kira. "Don't come near me again in the future." He growled out as Kira wrapped her hands around his neck. From the position she was held it gave her a good view of the female who seemed ready to transform. To those watching the pair leaving they couldn't see the faint smile on as she smugly looked at Mina in a taunting manner.

Mina transformed into a beautiful yet savage brown wolf. Instinctively she'd lashed out at Kira wanting to rip the little bitch in her way to pieces. Aaron reflexively moved stopping her in her tracks, lashing out in anger the wolf snapped towards his face as others in the Blue Valley pack came to lend a hand.
From afar William watched as it took four males to stop his little cousin in her tracks. While Marcus carried off another in his arms protectively. He hadn't expect this to happen and after the party ended would need to report this incident to his grandmother. So that others could keep an eye out on her just so that something like this didn't happen within the pack during the day when pups and elderly wolves were most active.

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