Chapter 5

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You and Hizashi were walking through a park a few blocks from your apartment, even just the movement of walking around was wearing on you. You had spent the better part of the evening holding Hizashi's hand looking for the quietest places possible to patrol.

Hizashi's phone vibrated and you let go of his hand so he could answer it. He looked at the screen over his glasses and sighed. "It's Shota."

You hid your face behind your jacket collar. He chuckled and answered the phone. You could hear Shota's voice rumbling through the phone but couldn't make out any words. Hizashi remained calm, he always did that when Shota was upset. It was unsettling considering his normal amount of energy and emotion.

"Yes, she's with me, Shota."

"No, she had a patrol tonight. I went with her." Shota wasn't particularly happy at this.

"We're in the park...The one with the pond.... Yeah, we're going there after...Okay." Shota seemed to have calmed down.

"Okay, love you." You could hear Shota give a reluctant 'I love you' back before hanging up. Hizashi put his phone back in his pocket and leaned into you. "Dad's mad."

You groaned. "How mad?"

"Well," he paused to think. "he wanted to come meet us."

You stood there for a minute, feeling like a teenager at the end of all-nighter about to be lectured by their parent. "But he's elected to trust us, like the adults we are, and wait until we get back in the morning to chew us out."

You relaxed. Shota was only ever angry if it was connected to worry, he was never malicious or cruel. It sort of made it worse really, knowing that he was only angry because he love you so much. Hizashi was more prone to jealousy and petty arguments, but they never lasted long. When Shota was upset enough that he couldn't hide it he could be fuming for days at a time. You hoped this was going be a short lecture and slap on the wrist sort of thing.

The two of you made it to the end of park path and onto a street a few blocks from your apartment that lead to the top of a hill with a view of the city skyline. The sky was mostly dark still, a very faint blue light had barely begun to peak around the buildings. The city itself seemed calm tonight, cars didn't light up the streets with red and white traffic jams and the tall business buildings didn't glow with overnight workers. It was all inordinately calm. Hizashi looked around, all the houses on the street still dark with sleeping families.

You had tried to keep it a rule that when the three of you were in costume and working to keep the affection to a minimum. You didn't want either of the boys to be singled out by a villain because you had a run in with them and they wanted to get back at you. Though it had never happened to you personally, there were a few horror stories that spread around your agency of that sort of thing. You didn't even want to think about what you would do if it was your fault either of them got hurt.

Hizashi new this, it drove him nuts. But the street looked empty of prying eyes, so he snaked a hand around your waist and pulled you close. You felt good in his arms. You felt right in his arms. He knew he couldn't get away with a kiss, but you didn't try to pull away, so he figured that you were okay with just staying in his arms for now. He rested his chin on your shoulder and looked off towards the city.

First the ground shook, then the building fell, then the cloud of smoke a debris blew past you as you put up a wall of wind to avoid most of it. When it all settled around you, you looked to Hizashi who looked mortified. They two of you immediately felt your phones vibrating, and without looking knew where you were needed. In an event of a large scale terrorism attack there was an automatic emergency message that would be broadcast to all registered heroes' phones in the area with coordinates of the attack. Hizashi turned around to take the long away around through the streets but you caught his arm. "Hold on tight, Mic."

You levelled your hands at your waist and created a constant stream of air lifting you and Hizashi of the ground, you propelled yourself towards the disaster zone.

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