"Well, what do I do with his Scones?" Luz asked.

"Leave 'em there, he'll smell them and come-a-running." Eda replied.

Luz gave a shrug, and listened to the witch, leaving the food right where she had placed it. Neither thought much of it, and continued on with their Magic Lesson.
Eda called her staff with her hand, and luckily, it was near, so it didn't have much of a hard time to fly right to her.

"Now, let's start!" Eda said, pointing her staff to the still item.

Luz squealed quietly, trying not to be so loud.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Luz cheered, stomping with joy.

Meanwhile, In the bedroom of Luz, a small and furry demon rested. He had his tail beside his leg, as he laid like a cat. He was hidden behind a stack of old potion bottles, resting on Luz's homemade beds for him.
However, he felt horrible, like someone just smacked him in the head with a hammer.

"Urrrfff..." He groaned, in agony.

He rubbed his head with his claws, trying to soothe the pain.
King slowly got to his feet, continuing to hold his skull-head. As soon as he got to his feet, he became light-headed, making him having to hold onto the wall for support.

"Whoa!" He yelped, as he quickly stopped himself from falling.

His fur was sweaty, and his head was throbbing. It felt like he was ran over by a bus, or chewed on by a monster. His tail wasn't even normal, as it was in a knot. It was like someone tied his tail, he couldn't even move it, and his tail dragged across the floor.
He felt like he was dying.

"My head is killing me..." King Mumbled.

Suddenly, he felt a tickle in his throat, and he suddenly went into a coughing fit. As he coughed loudly, his stomach made such violent growling noises, worstly, he felt like he was going to hurl.

*Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough* *Cough*

The coughing lasted for about twelve seconds, before King could catch a break, and breath. His nose was stopped up, and he could barely breath during the coughing fit. But luckily, it stopped sooner.

"W-What's wrong with m-me?" He weakly Studdered.

His vision went blurry, and he was left standing on four legs.
He began to panic, and started crawling off, trying to escape the room and find Eda. He ran into the wall a few times, but managed to get out of the room, wobblingly crawling down the hall.

"Alright, so just relax Your mind, and try to teleport this to right here." Eda said.

Luz looked at the two places Eda meant, with it just being another spot closer to the first.

"Uh, Eda? How is this magic? And how will it help me?" Luz asked.

"Hey, you never know when you'll use this, it can come in handy." Eda replied.

"Oh, Alright. Can I use your staff for this?" Luz asked.

"You don't need a staff for this, it's mere just a trick that can be teleported by the eye." Eda replied.

Luz stared very confused at Eda, very lost at what she just said.

"...I don't understand! No offense, but how is this witchcraft?" Luz asked.

Eda sighed.

"Mind-Power! It's something that Witches don't normally do, but I was taught to do it at a younger age... Actually, I taught myself, but that doesn't matter." Eda said.

"Wait, so your saying that I can have MIND POWERS?!" Luz exclaimed, Shocked and Joyfully.

"Geez, Luz! You're more loud today than you've ever been." Eda replied.

"Oh, Sorry! I'm just so excited!" Luz replied.

However, before the lesson started, small and slow footsteps were heard, grabbing the two's attention.

"Eeeddddaaaa..... Luuuuuzz....." A weak voice whined.

A shadow walked closer to the hallway of the room, and The two knew it was King.

"Heh, finally awake, sleepy head?" Eda asked.

The shadow came closer, and not long before after, the small creature walked in, looking as bad as he felt.

"Uuurrrggghhh." King groaned.

He cocked his head upto Eda, with his eyes showing pain.

Eda frowned almost immediately after seeing King's face, he looked awful.

"Geez, you alright, King?" Eda asked.

"Huh?" King Mumbled.

He looked at Eda, not able to describe much, it was all a blurr. King suddenly Wobbled, and almost fell, but He was caught by Eda in time.

"Oh, King! You look terrible." Luz said, walking up.

"I feel terrible... My head is killing me!" King replied, weakly.

Eda put her hand over King's head, feeling his temperature. He was burning hot.

"Geez, King, you're burnin' up!" Eda said.

"Thanks, I've been working out..." King replied, very weakly.

Eda frowned, and got to her feet, then walked over to the couch, will Luz following. Eda fluffed a pillow, before carefully laying King down. She then patted his head.

"Is King sick? I thought he wasn't able to catch sickness!" Luz said.

"If he told you that, he's lying. Luz, he CAN get sick, he actually hurled from eating Scones too fast a while back." Eda replied.

"You promised you wouldn't being that up!" King yelled, to twitch his tail.

Luz sat down next to King, who looked at her.

"L-Luz? Is that you?... everything's so... Fuzzy." King weakly replied.

Luz frowned, becoming worried.

"Aw, King, sounds like your REALLY sick." Luz said.

King groaned in pain, and rubbed his head. He covered his head with the pillow he laid on.
Luz sadly patted King's back, as he covered his face. Luz felt bad for King, seeing a cute little demon like King being in pain was like watching a Kitten falling into a woodchipper.

"Eda, do you know any spells that could help King?" Luz asked.

"Sorry, Kid, I don't know any spells that could take away sickness. Besides, Sickness doesn't last forever, he should be better tomorrow." Eda replied.

Luz turned to King, who was scooted closer to her, liking the petting. She thought for a second, then turned back to Eda.

"Soup!" She said.

"...Soup?" Eda asked.

"When I'm sick, my mom would always make me soup! It makes me feel much better!" Luz replied.

Eda lifted an eyebrow, then smiled.

"Soup, huh? Alright, yeah! I can make that." Eda said.

"You're gonna make it? I was planning to." Luz replied.

"Uurrgghh..." King painfully groaned.

Luz turned to him, seeing him in her lap, curled up, like a Cat.

"You seem busy, I'll make it. I mean, how hard can it be?" Eda said.

Luz smiled, and nodded, agreeing. Luz petted King's back, trying to help him feel better.
Moments later, Eda walked off.

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