The Vaizel Fighting Festival Pt. 2

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Y/n Pov

As the Finals for the Fighting Festival were about to start, I decided to have a little chat with Veronica. I grabbed my mask from when I broke Ban out of prison and put it on as I moved through the ground as I watched Diane take on Griamore. It wasn't hard knowing it was her, she told me the story of how Matrona saved her.
I saw Veronica standing in the crowd with her arms crossed as she watched the match as I walked up behind her and put my hand on her shoulder as I teleported the two of us out of the Arena and into an alley. I saw Veronica look around in confusion before looking at me.

Veronica: You!

I grabbed her arm as she grabbed the handle of her sword as I put her against the wall.

Y/n: I'm not here to fight you, Veronica.

Veronica: Your working with murderers!

Y/n: The Sins were framed, I'm here trying to clear their names.

Veronica: They kidnapped Ellie!

Y/n: No, she came on her own free will.

Veronica looked at me with her eyes widened but then went back to her regular expression as she crossed her arms.

Veronica: I'm taking her back home, so don't get in my way.

I didn't say anything as I backed away and teleported back to the ring as I took off my mask. I saw Diane finish off her match as I walked over to the group. I saw Ban having a look of suspicion as he held his chin.

Ban: There's no way it's her.

King: Hey Captain, please tell me I'm dreaming or something..

I smiled and shook my head as Diane walked toward the edge of the ring.

Diane: Oh well, and here I was hoping to stay hidden just a little hole longer.

I watched Diane jump down from the ring as she had Elizabeth's Boar Hat uniform on as she had a smile on her face.

Y/n: Nice match, Diane. You sent Griamore flying.

3rd Person Pov

Diane smiles at Y/n as she walked over to him and put her arms around his neck.

Diane: I've been waiting to do this.

Y/n smiles as he puts his arms around her and kisses her cheek.

Y/n: I know you have, but what happens to Elizabeth? Wasn't she with you?

??? ( muffled): I'm right here!

Y/n looked around in confusion until he saw Diane blush as she backed away and moved the black bow to the sides as it revealed a small Elizabeth.

King: Shoc-King!

Y/n: Well...that's something..

The group walks into the waiting area as Y/n stands by the door guarding it as King and Meliodas stand in front of Diane.

Meliodas: A giant mushroom?

Diane: Mmhmm. It happened after you guys went into town. Elizabeth and I were gathering ingredients for dinner in the forest and then I heard Elizabeth scream. When I got over there, there was a giant mushroom. I was happy we found the ingredient we needed so I knocked on his head and a weird gas came from it. Next thing I know, I'm Elizabeth's size and she's more tiny. I ended up having to borrow Elizabeth's outfit for the time being.

Elizabeth: But then we didn't have any spare clothes that fit me.

Y/n had his eyes closed as he wasn't paying attention to the conversation. Y/n went into his memories and saw all the things he did in the last holy war, how he slaughtered the goddess and demon race, how he gained the curse that made him lose his memories, and living his life after the curse. Y/n opened his eyes as he looked at his hand.

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