The Fearsome Pursuer Pt. 2

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3rd Person Pov

Y/n, Diane and Meliodas stood across from Guila as Y/n had flames glowing out of his eyes and hand as he held his sword sideways in front of him. Guila smiles as she holds her rapier behind her back as she held her hand out to the three.

Guila: Come now, you three. Time to try harder. I did kill myself to be here.

Y/n is first to move as he dashes towards Guila and goes for an uppercut with his fist covered in flames. Guila knocks his hand away as she knees him in the gut as he coughs out some spit and is sent flying into a crystal. Diane puts her finger to the ground as she raises it, a stone pillar lifts Meliodas into the air as he jumps and dives down at Guila. The two clash the tips of their blades together as Diane dives in and grabs Guila in her hand. Diane looks in shock as a bright light appeared and a massive explosion occurred blowing her and Meliodas away crashing them into a few crystals. Y/n groaned as he stood up as he looked at Guila.

Y/n: Why are you doing this, Guila?

Guila: When I heard you and the Sins were reuniting, I was first to jump into the mission to stop you and bring you in.

Y/n: Didn't I mean anything to you?

Guila: You did, and you still do, but I need to follow orders.

Guila looks at Diane and Meliodas as the slowly get up.

Guila: You really need to try harder.

Diane growls as she watches Guila walk up to the three with flames coming off her rapier.

Guila: With paltry attempts like that you can't fight my magical ability called Explosion.

Guila holds her rapier behind her as she goes to shoot it forward only for her to grunt and look behind her to see Ban holding his hand out as his jacket was torn in the front and back.

Ban: Sorry about that. Gotta stop you right there.

Meliodas: Ban!

Y/n: Where the hell have you been?

Guila: It's Ban the Fox Sin. Would you kindly let go of my rapier?

Ban: Hey, I take offense to, lady. I'm not touching anything of yours.

Ban moves his middle finger to the palm of his hand pulling the rapier towards him as Guila struggles to keep her grip on it. Y/n watched the two as he stood up and got ready to fight only for him to groan and hold his head as more visions appeared in his head. Y/n let go of his head slowly as he fell to the ground unconscious as Diane picked him up.

Diane: Y/n!

Y/n Pov

I started to wake up as I saw I was in rocky area with the sky was dark red. I sat up as I saw I was wearing the black armor from my previous vision.

???: Y/n!

I turned to see the two girls from my vision.

Y/n: It's them...

I stood up as I looked at the two and put a hand on my hip. I looked at the girl with purple hair.

Y/n: Sorry Melascula, guess I dosed off.

Melascula: It's fine, but you need to be careful. The Goddess race is bound to attack any minute.

I smirked as I punched my fists together as flames blew out of them.

Y/n: Well they can't touch me since I'm an ambassador for the Demon and Goddess race. But if they try to hurt you or Derieri, I'll turn them to ashes.

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