Chapter 4: Practice. Practice. Practice.

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My group and I are practicing in the practice room. I keep on messing up. We are currently taking a break they're all drinking water and stuff but I am still practicing.

"Maknae! Sit!" Euijin says laughing.

"No! I have to improve!" I say, continuing to dance.

"Your dancing is beautiful, you don't need to practice during breaks." One of the other girls say.

I stop and I turn to face them, I sigh and I sit down with them, it's a pity because I can't understand Korean, I don't know what they're talking about. I come from Indonesia and Australia. Taemin and I met in Indonesia, he lived there for a bit and we became good friends, I knew he lived in Korea but I had to go home to Australia...

The girls start talking in Korean and I don't understand anything (Bold is Korean).

"She can't understand us right?" One of the girls say.

"No, she can't." One of them replies.

"Do you think there's something going on with her and Lee?"

"I don't know, but if so, I'm jealous!"

"I know right? One of us should date Lee, not her." Another girl says I'm confused and concerned.

Suddenly the door opens and a familiar face walks in, Taemin.

"I came to check on the practice." He says, "But I notice you are having lunch."

"Yes, (Y/n)'s been practicing hard, so our lunch was delayed." Euijin says.

"I hope you all are including her as a part of the group, cultural differences can destroy a group quickly." He says sitting down next to me, he turns to face me. (Italics are Indonesian).

"How has it been?" He asks, taking some of my sandwiches.

"As good as it can be. I'm having trouble with the dance though, I've been trying really hard..." I say pouting a bit.

"Come to my room and I'll help you learn."

"Tae, I don't want them to be suspicious, you can't help me like that."

"What's stopping me?"

"The rules of the show. You could be terminated from the role and I could be sent home. We're on a dangerous line."

"I know, but I am willing to do anything for you, my sweetie."

He stands up and walks to the door, "Have a good practice, I'll own in tonight and check up on you all."

We all say goodbye and he leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. I Umstand up and walk to the tablet.

"Our break isn't over..." one of the girls say.

"I just want to practice a bit." Truth is, I'm nervous about tonight...

"(Y/n), if you practice more you're going to to get sick..." Euijin says, she's the leader of the group but I'm the centre.

I sigh and turn around, "I'm not a good dancer at all, I don't want to disappoint you."

"No, your dancing is wonderful, you stick to the rhythm and you dance in time. The only problem is that you are stiff."

"Exactly, and that's a big problem." I say looking down, "I'll practice more and improve quickly!" I exclaim bowing.

All the girls are asleep, I walk out of the room and walk over to Taemin's room. I stand in front of it for a while, he told me to meet him here tonight. I look at my phone it's 9:59pm. I'm one minute early.

Without thinking I take a deep breath and knock on the door. 

"Come in." His voice says from the other side of the door. I try to translate what he said and I open the door.

"(Y/n)! You came!" He says running up to me and giving me a hug. Of course, I hug him back.

"Tae, I really need help dancing, I don't want to bring the team down. I don't know why they put me in the centre..." 

He let's go on me and looks down at me, "I'll help you, what's the problem."

"Euijin said that I am too stiff, I don't move naturally enough..." 

"Well, let's start then unless you're too tired." He says taking his tablet from the bedside table. The mentors get such nice rooms...

He starts watching the choreography and smiles, he looks at me and then back to the tablet. 

"What?" I ask giggling.

"Nothing, you're just so pretty." He says smiling down at the tablet.

I blush and giggle. He sets the tablet down and stands up, "Let's dance together and I'll help you learn." 

He sets the tablet on the bed, I stand in front of the bed and Taemin presses the play button. Taemin is dancing with me next to the bed, showing me how it's done. He is such a good dancer, he does the female moves very well too. 

Once the music stops, he pauses the video and I sit down on the floor. 

"You're good and you know the moves, but, Euijin was right. I think you need to be more confident with your moves, move your entire body." He says sitting in front of me, "Are you tired?" 

"I've been practicing hard all day, even when we had a break, it's all I did." I say looking at him, he gives me a sad look.

"Don't work too much, it's not good for your health." He puts his hand on my cheek and smiles, "I don't want you getting sick." 

"I won't get sick Tae, I just want to get better, I want my team to win!" I exclaim smiling, "We aren't going to get a good result if I'm like this. Especially if I'm the centre." 

Taemin sighs and smile, "You haven't changed." 

"Neither have you." I say smiling, "Let's try again!" 

I stand up and the music starts, we break the song into sections and practice the sections one by one, Taemin is a very good instructor, it's only been ten minutes and we got the first section down!

After an hour of practicing, we almost finished the entire song. I walk over to his bed and flop down on it. 

"You must be tired." He says.

"Yes, I am, maybe I should go back and go to sleep." 

"No, you can sleep here with me." He says laying down next to me. 

"But the girls might be worried tomorrow morning..." 

"Don't worry about them." he takes the bedsheets and put them on top of me, "You need to rest and that's important.

He puts his arm around my waist and I fall asleep.

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