Chapter 3: Confessions

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It wake up and look at the time, it's 9:45pm, I'm supposed to meet Taemin in 15 minutes in front of the bathroom. I wonder what he wants from me.

I stand up and walk over to the door, I waa so tired I did t bother to get changed. I open the dir and go to step outside.

"Is everything okay (L/n)?" Euijin asks.

"Yeah, I'm just going to the bathroom! Sorry if I woke you, go back to sleep." I say walks out as she goes to sleep.

I walk over to the bathroom and I stand waiting for a bit. I see Taemin walking towards me, he takes my hand and leads into another direction, close to my room.

"Tae!" I exclaim, confused as hell.


We come to a door that's opposite my bedroom. He opens it and we walk in, "This is my room, pretty close to ours huh?"

"Why are you in the girl section?!" I exclaim.

"Because San E was to nervous to seep close to the girls so I swapped with him." He says.

I lay down in his bed, I'm so tired.

"Are you tired?"

"Yes, very..."

"It'll only get worse, I'm warning you." He says laying down next to me.

"What did you want to talk to me about?"

He lays down next to me and turns to face me, "We've known eachother for a while now."

"Yes? What's wrong Tae?" I ask turning to face him.

"Everyday for the past 3 years, I have not been able to get you out of my mind. Snapping you everyday was not enough, having a streak score of 1000 or something was not enough. Sending memes to eachother on Instagram was not enough, everyday was agony for me."

I look into his eyes, they were speaking the truth, and I know I feel the same way.

"You don't have to say anything (Y/n), I just want you to know, I love you." He says, he sits up and goes to leave.

"Tae!" I exclaim running up to him, "Everyday, I couldn't stop thinking about you, I couldn't stop myself of watching videos of your dancing, I missed your singing and most importantly I missed you." I sigh, "I think..."

"You don't have to say anything." He turns around and smiles, looking down at me, "It's okay."

"No, Tae." I look up at him, "I think I love you to."

I feel him wrap me in his arms, we stand there for a moment before someone knocks on the door. Taemin lets go and opens the door, "What is it Rain?"

"I would like to see how you are doing." He looks at me, "(Y/n)?"

"I am interviewing her about her group, I want to know how things are going." Tae says, completely normal.

"This late?"

"Yes, I don't want her roommates to be suspicious, do I?"

"Whatever, (Y/n), lights out is at 10pm, whenever Taemin is finished with you, please have a good nights sleep."

"Of course!" I exclaim bowing.

He nods and shuts the door, Taemin turns to face me and says, "Every night or two, come meet me here, we can talk and all that."

"A relationship is not allowed Tae, what will happen to you? Al do your fans will be hysterical!" I exclaims, "It's also in the contract of this tv show..."

"We'll figure it out!" He exclaims grabbing my shoulders, "It's okay (Y/n), no one will know, it's our little secret."

"Okay... I just, don't want to affect your career in anyway."

"You won't, don't worry my Kiyomi." He says putting his forehead against mine, "I'm glad, to have you back."

"Me too..."

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