"What? Just tell me. Clearly something's on your mind."

Harry didn't say anything. He was feeling embarrassed for being upset. This all just felt so weird. The fact that the only time that they got along when they were snogging wasn't healthy. And Harry wanted to know Draco. He wanted to see him underneath the smug and arrogant front.

"Come on, Harry."

That caught his attention. Harry whipped his head up, his lips parted in surprise. "Did you just call me by my first name?"

Draco crossed his arms. "I might have."

Harry grinned. "It's a start. And maybe we can talk more and snog less?"

"As far as I'm concerned, that's the best use of your mouth." Draco's mouth twitched in an almost smile.

Harry's smile widened. "There's a lot more uses of my mouth that you don't even know about."

Draco's cheeks reddened and he coughed on a laugh. Harry realized what he had just said sounded like and he blushed himself.

"I didn't mean it like that—"

"I know, Potter," Draco smiled and Harry couldn't help but think that the smile lightened up his whole face and made him look even more handsome. "I think I'd be willing to see what else you can do with your mouth."

"Can't wait."


Draco agreed to go and sit out by the lake with Harry to talk. It felt odd. He hadn't gotten used to the fact that they were together because all they did when they were together was snog. Unless, of course, they were around other people. Though, when they were around other people, things felt normal. They argued and kept up appearances. But, to sit and just talk. That wasn't something that they had done, not really at least.

Draco sat next to Harry on the beach. He didn't know how to sit, though. He didn't make a habit of sitting on the ground. That was one way to dirty a good suit for no reason. He ended up with his knees up and his arms draped over them to keep warm. They had melted the snow on their little patch of the beach so it wouldn't be as cold. Harry didn't seem to mind the dirt. He was lying on his back with his arms behind his head, looking up at the stars.

"When's the last time you've done this?" Harry asked.

"What? Sat on the ground? Not since I was a child."

"No. Looked up at the stars like this." He turned his head toward Draco.

"I don't make a habit of lying on the ground."

"You should," Harry tugged on Draco's hand. "Come on. You can spell your suit clean later."

Draco sighed but complied, lying down next to him with only a few inches of sand between them. It was uncomfortable at first but he soon was distracted by how beautiful it was. He had looked at the stars in Astronomy class but not like this. It was relaxing and it didn't take him long to forget how cold he was.

"I'll start off with an easy question," Harry spoke after a few minutes of silence. "What do you like to do for fun? What are your hobbies?"

Draco frowned as he thought about it. "I don't really have hobbies. I like to read, learn new things and hang out with my mates."

"That's what you do over the summer break? Read and learn some more?"

Draco shrugged. "Well, yeah, why not? I want to be knowledgeable in as many things as I can."

"You sound like Hermione."

Draco had a rude retort on his tongue but he held it in. He didn't want to make Harry upset. "So, what do you do for fun?"

"I hang out with my mates and play quidditch. There's not a lot of time that I have to myself. There's always a curse or someone after me. I don't feel like I can breathe sometimes."

"Yeah, I get that," Draco said, softly.

Harry turned on his side to look at Draco properly. "Does that have to do with what's been happening at home? Is that why you get panic attacks and nightmares?"

He took a deep breath, keeping his eyes on the sky as he said, "yeah."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Draco shook his head, firmly. "No. I can't."

Harry nodded and grabbed Draco's hand. "Okay. I understand."

Draco finally turned his head and looked at Harry. The moon was reflected on his ebony locks and his emerald eyes were shimmering behind his ridiculous glasses. He looked beautiful.

"I appreciate that," Draco said and a small smile formed on his lips. "Though, I still think you're much better at snogging than talking."

That made him laugh.

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