Candy Pop, Have a crush on Jason or L.J?

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The trio is silent for a bit, and Boo nearly bust out laughing.

"Allow me to inform you that Candy Pop isn't... 'interested' in either of us." Jason stated as his left eye twitched. He was most likely wishing this sort of clarification would've been unnecessary, but no such luck. The subject of crushes and dating always unnerved him for some reason, especially if it involves himself.

"True. Although... if I had to pick... Perhaps I'd choose Ja--" Candy Pop smirked, but just before he could finish Jason spun around and gave him a backhand slap, shouting: "SILENCE!". The jester dramatically tumbled backwards, landing on his back, clearly not affected by his strike in the slightest. Despite this, he stayed quiet afterward, pretending to be unconscious.

Laughing Jack cackled to himself, amused by the little show, meanwhile Boo couldn't help but notice Jason's cheeks had turned pink, meaning he was flustered at the least.

...It was pretty cute.

(Thank you to Alexander_Kogane for asking. ^*^)

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