~Are you and Candy Pop best friends?~

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(~The picture above was drawn by RoseDraconite on DeviantArt. ^*^~)

Jason: "Well... he thinks of us that way. I suppose I can consider him at the very least a friend since he has yet to be traitorous in any way, I still keep my guard up at times, however. Magical beings such as him are always unpredictable, so I have to be ready if he ever decides one day that he's had enough of me..."

~Jason frowns a bit, seeming saddened.~

~Boo pats Jason's shoulder and gives him an optimistic smile.~

"He may be mischievous, but I'm sure he likes you too much to just 'get bored' or anything like that. You're an amazing fellow after all."

~Jason averted his gaze, the compliment leaving him feeling bashful.~

~Suddenly, a pair of arms wrap around Jason's waist and snatch him right out from his seat, taking him by surprise as his back hits someone's chest.~

"Took the words right out of my mouth! I'd never do such a thing to him! He's too special!"

~Boo spins around and her jaw drops as she sees the owner of the voice, and Jason lets out a sigh as he calms down since he obviously knows who it is.~

Jason: "Ah... hello, Candy Pop."

~The jester giggles and sets Jason back on the floor, then curiously steps over and picks Boo up into his arms, holding her against his chest in the same manner he held Jason, the only difference being that they're face-to-face.~

Candy Pop: "What a cutie! Is this that girl LJ's been saying you play with all the time, Jason?"

~Jason makes an irritated expression at the mention of the clown, meanwhile said clown peers through the door and snickers with a mischievous grin.~

~After Jason takes the time to explain everything to Candy Pop, he has Boo sitting against his chest with his arms still wrapped snugly around her body, not that she minded, he was surprisingly comfortable. He's staring down at her with hopeful, practically sparkling magenta eyes, and is completely unaware of the slight glare Jason was most likely trying his hardest to hold back.~

Candy Pop: "May I play this 'Q&A' game too? Pretty please??

~Boo thinks it over for a moment, nearly laughing as she noticed the anticipation on his face.~

Boo: "Hmm... I don't see why not, I'm sure the readers have a couple questions for you."

~The jester smiles from ear to ear, practically beaming. Then the clown that'd previously been quiet for once makes Boo jump a bit as he swiftly comes so close that the tip of his cone nose touches hers, and Boo can easily notice the ever-growing jealousy in the expression spreading across Jason's face.~

Jack: "Then how about you let me in on the fun too, kiddo?"

~Boo hesitates despite that she's always liked having Jack visit, knowing that Jason would probably have a hard time with both troublemakers in the same room with them. But after a few minutes of Candy Pop making her look up at him and giving her that same hopeful and excited look, she sighed and looked back at the clown that was already smirking victoriously.~

Boo: "Okay, but you have to promise you'll refrain from annoying Jason while we're answering questions."

~At hearing this Jack groans overdramatically and drops his head into her lap, looking up at her with a pouty face as his body slumps onto the floor like a big black and white worm.~

Jack: "Then how are people supposed to know I'm annoying him?? There's no fun in that!"

~Boo holds back a snicker when she notices the smirk on Jason's face, clearly feeling satisfied as he watched his dismay. But she sighs again when the clown just silently stares up at her, his silvery eyes twinkling a bit as if he'd cry, but she knew he wouldn't. He just wanted to have his way.~

~Boo picks his head up with both hands as if it were separated from his body, he was actually pretty light even though all he ate was candy and he was at least 7 or 8 feet tall. She whispered into his ear and the two that were watching gave each-other confused glances, Jason's being more worried.~

Boo: "I'll write a funny oneshot about Jason in my other book if you do this for me."

~Jack's signature toothy grin returned as he moved his head to look back at her and whispered a response.~

Jack: "Make it have one of those 'incidents' he had with Glutty-boy and you've got yourself a deal."

~When Boo nodded in agreement, Jack giggled and surprised her by slipping a blue lollipop into her mouth. Jason looked as if he'd nearly reached his boiling point upon hearing what Jack said next.~

"Good girl~"

(~Thank you to azonon for asking. ^*^ And, yes, I will be adding the oneshot Jack wanted in my oneshot book as promised. Feel free to check it out when it's added if you're interested. o*o'' Also, ask questions directed at either Candy Pop and/or Laughing Jack as well as Jason if you'd like, if there's more than one in a comment they'll answer together. See you!~)

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