~Do you like/love Boo???~

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(~Well, um, I dunno what people with think of this but here we go.~)

Jason: "......D-Do I have to answer this..!?"

~He has his hat over his face and has a small blush .~

Boo: "Well... It's what they wanna know... so do you?" *Is blushing but smiling*

Jason: "Erm... I... um..."

~He still hasn't moved his hat, but suddenly it goes flying out of his hands.~

Jason: "What the?!"

Boo: *Eyes widen* "What was tha--"

~Two hands shove Boo and Jason's heads together and their lips meet, shocking them both.~

~When the person lets them go the two pull away with flustered expressions and look to see a black and white clown rolling around on the ground laughing his head off.~

Jason: *Eyes strongly glow green* "LAUGHING JACK!!"

~Jason bolts after him while the clown runs and continues to laugh, leaving Boo alone in the room.~

Boo: *Is blushing much worse* "Um... well that happened..." Coughs and tries not to smile*

(~Thank you to Kittycat205 Hes452 azurehatchet and HopeTheGlitch for asking. ^*^'~)

~Ask Jason the Toymaker~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن